(Dr. H. V. Ogden) 18th (March '89) Dear O. Very glad of yours this a.m. particularly about your poor Friend, as I am very much interested in his condition on account of a young lady to whom he became much attached & who I fear rather encouraged him. She is abroad with her mother & I was consulted by them about his mental state. I fear from H. C. Wood's account that he is a hopeless paranoiac. It seems very sad. Mrs. F. is now at 482 Ontario St. All are well. May had a mild typhoid & is now quite well. I saw them a few weeks ago when I was in T. at a wedding of a niece. I go to B. in May. We're getting the Hosp in order. If you know of any A. A. 1. copper-bottomed young graduate in the West who would serve for a year as Interne I should like one. He must come with your entire approbation. I shall take LeFleur from Montreal as my Chef de Clinique in charge of the Clin. Lab. & general supervisor of the ward work. We shall need 2-5 resident graduates - ultimately 10-20 & they are to be selected from the country at large. Glad the Vol was of use. Come East soon. I saw patient of yours Geo. B. Miller, slight alb. Nervous etc., & his right kidney wobbles about an uncomfortable way - & I dare say upsets him. He thinks very much of you & I did not undeceive him. Ever yours, W. Osler.