(Dr. H. V. Ogden) 1502 Walnut St., Phila. 4/18/88 Dear Ogden You must stay a few days underway to N.Y. I shall have much more of interest to show you than on your last visit. I am very busy at the cerebral palsies of children, working up on Infirmary material. Shall give three lectures this spring. Gowers has rather got ahead of me in his chapters which are the only ones in importance in the language. Curious that the subject should have been so much neglected. I am writing in epilepsy chorea & the spastic palsies for K. Will you not report those cases of Polio encephalitis? I wish you would send your comm. To one of our journals. It helps you & them. Mrs. F. & chicks all well. I shall spend the summer quietly at home. Let me know when to expect you, Sincerely yours, Wm. Osler.