(To Dr. F. J. Shepherd) 131 S. 15th St., Phila [Oct.] 12th [1886] Dear Shepherd How are you all? It seems long since I have heard from any of you. I felt very like skipping North on the 1st, per your introductory lecture. I felt rather homesick. I still, at times, Philip a stranger and a Pilgrim know everyone is very kind and I have got on better than I could have anticipated. I must arrange to spend some days in Montreal at Xmas, and run up also to the Carnival if you have one this winter. Everything goes on here is usual. My hospital work at Blockly keeps me very busy as I have 80 patients to look after. I am able however to do much more satisfactory word teaching then heretofore. Hays asked me the other day about a note of yours in re Canada Med. Association & the Quebec profession. He thought it would rather stir up dust and I agree with him. I hope Mrs. S. and the chicks are well. Give my love to Ernest and the little woman. I suppose Cooie is now devoted to No. 3. Please give my kind regards to your mother & sisters Yours sincerely Wm Osler