(Dr. D. C. Gilman) 7, Norham Gardens, Oxford. Nov. 5th, 1905 Dear Mr. Gilman I am settling into my new life very comfortably. We are in Mrs. Max Muller's house for the winter & have not yet found a permanent home. Houses are very scarce. I have very nice official rooms at the Museums, with two laboratory rooms attached but I shall do all my work at the Radcliffe infirmary. I have a class of 15 men and I am drilling them in the elementary work. There are 150 beds in a large outpatient department. I have been appointed an active consultant with the free range of all cases for teaching purposes - this at the request of the staff. So that I have ample material, and shall hold a weekly consultation for outside physicians. The local Doctors are very pleasant and friendly. I have rooms at Christ Church of which I am a "student" and a member of the governing body with a special stall in the Cathedral & with the privilege of reading the lessons, if I like! The men at the House (as Ch. Ch. It is called) are very nice and I shall enjoy my connection with it very much. My quarters are in the old building & I picture to myself that Burton or Locke may have inhabited them. I have been elected on the Hebdomadal Council, the governing body, 21 in number, of the University. I have only been at two meetings - most interesting & I shall get an insight into the workings of the complicated academical machinery. Officially I am the Curator of the Bodleian and have free range of the place. I have scarcely begun my excursions into its highways and byways. Mrs. Osler & the boy enjoy the life here so much. He is at school and is very happy. We sail Dec. 16th. I hope to spend four weeks at the hospital playing about with the boys & keeping in touch with the work. Give Mrs. Gilman my love. Greet Remsen & Gildersleeve & Ames. Welch I have written to several times. Very sincerely yours, W Osler.