From H. M. Hurd, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Aug. 14, 1904. Dear Dr. Osler, I am much distressed by your letter although I fully appreciate your reasons for taking the step. I have thought for a long time you were driving the machine much too hard and that you must inevitably break down if you did not find some way to slow up. I congratulate you upon the recognition which you have received. If talents, self-sacrifice and high devotion to the good of the profession deserve any reward you have certainly earned the promotion. But what are we to do here in the Hospital and Medical School and in the community at large when you have done so much and are likely to leave so much to do that nobody can do so well? I have had a singularly barren summer and felt the burden of work as never before. Whenever I have accomplished has been by a mighty effort and I have often thought of resigning. Thirty-four years in a public institution are beginning to make an impression upon my endurance which I once thought to be of iron. Our Tuberculosis Dispensary is making excellent progress but we are to spend about $12,000 instead of $10,000. Ought we to ask Mr. Phipps to see us through? The master thought I ought to ask you the question. Please write me your impressions. My own judgment would be to say nothing to him. Our preparations for opening the new Surgical Building in October are made but nothing has been done in the way of formal exercises. Have you any response from T. Clifford Allbutt or any other eminent man. Thayer thinks we ought to unveil the Lazer tablet at the same time that you and some Army man, possibly Surg. Gen. O'Reilley should speak. I think also that Thayer should say something. Welch and I thought we ought to convene at 11 a.m. and opened the surgical part and adjourned for a collation and afterwards had the tablet unveiled. Please let me know your views. I cannot forbear a personal word in view of your unexpected announcement. I feel the success of the Hospital and Medical School has been largely your achievement and that you have done the most to hold together the different departments and to establish a high standard of professional work. In fact if it had not been for your breadth and the liberality of view we could never have attained our present position. I wish to thank you personally for what you've done, and to express my sorrow that the pleasant relations are to be severed. I hope that the transfer to Oxford will not lessen your interest in clinical medicine or diminish your opportunities for its study. Kindest regards to Mrs. Osler. Sincerely yours, Henry M. Hurd. I send this to Murray Bay as I do not know any other address.