X. 18. 01 1 W. Franklin St. Dear Shepherd Very glad to have your letter this evening. We got back three weeks ago. Mrs. O & Revere have just returned from Canada. I could not go with them as there were a score of things to do before the session opened & we were arranging a new scheme for our 4th year work by which the men would have more time in Medicine & Surgery and bunching the specialties to practical demonstrations & work in the Dispensaries. We had a very good summer, after 10 days in London we went to Holland for a fortnight, then back to London for the Tuberculosis Congress. Mrs. Osler joined Revere in Scotland where he'd gone with this governess. I went to the BMH & then joined them at North Berwick where we spent 6 weeks. Shafer & his family live there so it was very pleasant. I have been book hunting all summer and secured some treasures in Holland, chiefly from Muller of Amsterdam who keeps a good stock. I sent out one or two books for the Library & I got in London a good copy of Harvey's De Generatione Anamalium, English Edition, which I left to have bound & forwarded. All goes well here, except that I am bothered to death with practice - hard to keep it within decent limits so as to have time for teaching & private work. What is the Date of the CMA? If it is after the middle of Sept. I can be with you & would be only too glad to give the Address in Medicine or anything else you wish. So glad that you are the President this year. Love to Cecil & Dorothy. I hope you will be down this winter, & bring Cecil. I saw Stephen McKenzie several times - he is better but the emphysema is increasing and he looks far from well. I have been reading with interest MacCallums Addresses - they have some good things & several bring back old days & ways. What a d- shame that we never had his portrait painted. Is it too late? Wrights too? Yours ever W Osler