(J. H. Medical School - Howell) Baltimore, April 19th, 1901. Dear Howell: I should like to see you for a little while before the next meeting of the Faculty about some changes in the titles, etc., in my department. Futcher is going to leave the house, and is going into practice here. He is such an excellent fellow that I think we ought to keep him to help with teaching. I shall have to rearrange some of my work next year. This winter my Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays have been altogether too heavy. The difficulty is about increasing the expenses. It seems to me that what we pay in salaries and laboratory expenses is a pretty full amount - $3000. I should like to see with reference to the relation this bears to the laboratory and salary expenses in some of the other departments. Sincerely yours, Wm Osler P. S. I find that Monday, May 13th is the night of our Historical Club, for which Mumford is coming from Boston