To W. O. From Dr. Flick Philadelphia, Nov. 4, 1903 My dear Dr. Osler: Your letter of 2nd inst. to hand. At our meeting last Monday I discussed the question of your lecture and the entertainment, with my staff, it was decided that we again rent the Witherspoon Building for your lecture, that we dispense with the reception and that we have a dinner at the University Club before the lecture. I find upon inquiry this morning, however, that the Witherspoon Building cannot be had for any night from Nov. 19th until the 30th. Kindly select a date therefore, and let me have it at once. I appreciate your kind thought in having us arrange to have Mr. Phipps to dinner with you, but it is Mr. Phipps wish that all expenses of this kind be borne by the Institute. Hence the Institute will have to be the host and you the guest. Any people whom you would like to have invited to the dinner kindly send me names of. If you prefer the hour to be six instead of five we of course will make it so. In regard to the International Congress on Tuberculosis, we have thought of holding a conference such as you speak of sometime in the future and mapping out plans. Meanwhile we do not wish good people to be misled by either of the factions which are struggling for supremacy. Yours truly, Lawrence F. Flick