23 October, 1953 My dear DeBakey: I can't describe the tremendous joy I received after reading your last letter. When you first told me of your success with your extirpations of the aneurysms of the aorta and restoration of the continuity of the excised vessels, I almost believed that nothing short of a miracle could account for your unequaled and unheard of success. Not only was this triumph obtained in one case but I now find that you have performed this same achievement in 33 cases in all, and gracious knows only how many you will have added to this number since your last letter. The State of Texas has now been warned to send all its cases of abdominal aortic aneurysms to you; it will not be long before the whole population of the United States and of the world at large will be preparing to imitate their example. The aneurismal world will then be happy with the exception of the male population when it realizes the significance of the Leriche Syndrome. I am rejoicing at this unique and magnificent triumph, which has placed the crown of glory over your brow as the champion surgeon of the aneurismal world. Of course, the last paragraph of your letter has inflated me so much with vanity, that I fear I will have to go to bed with the hope of escaping from the possibility of a dangerous inflation. At any rate, you must know that all this magnificent success and continuance of your conquest over the surgery, which has never had a parallel to its present greatness; a greatness which makes us all rejoice and proud of the glory that your achievements have added to the lustre of our profession. For all of which, you know that I am, now more than ever, one of these and remain Yours faithfully and admiringly, R. Matas