July 17, 1935 Dear Father -- Dr. Ochsner left on his vacation this morning. He worked here at school until 4 o' clock this morning and then started with his wife and children driving to Utah I was with him until 12:30 and had a long talk with him. He gave me his picture (I will show it to you when I come home) and I gave him one of mine. He told me I was the only one he felt was true and loyal to him and that he could always depend on. He said he was wanted me to thank you and mother for bringing me up like this and making me what I am. He was very sorry he never had the opportunity to meet you and tell you that but he hopes to some day. I thanked him for all that and told him that no one realizes and appreciates more than I do what my father and mother [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] have done for me and that if I amount to anything they deserve all the credit. He said he knew that and that is why he wants me to thank you for him because I have meant so much to him. I know now that I have very few people I can call real friends. I shall always remember the many things you have told me which I never really appreciated before. You always tried to teach me that the only friend to depend on was the dollar and you are right. I know now that the only real friend I have is Dr. Ochsner. He has advised me and treated me like I was his son. I went to tell his wife goodbye and she almost cried and finally told me that she could not say goodbye to me but would just wish me good luck and would see me in a couple of year [sic]. I think God has given him a good wife because he is a good man. She is as sweet and honest as she can be. Dr. Ochsner told me to tell Ernest to come see him next year every once in a while and talk to him and discuss his work and he would keep an eye on Ernest during the time he is in school just as if I were here. [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] I have to advise the agent here about my ticket for the boat. I have already paid $15.00 a reservation for and have selected my cabin. I now owe $112.50 on the remainder of the ticket. This includes the American and French taxes. I can either get it here before I leave or get it in New York but I have to let him know before I leave here so he can make arrangements in the New York office, so let me know what you wish me to do. I have everything else I need -- my passport, visa, and baggage. Your loving son, Michael P.S. I will go by and see Mr. Schracth[?] about the shoes.