P.S. I am scheduled to speak before the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine on the 19th of this month. Will send you the program in my next letter. May 4, 1934 Dear Father -- This is a letter I am sorry to be forced to write you. I am always so ashamed to have to write you and ask for financial aid and, of course, it hurts my pride. However, I have no one else to turn to and I am sure you would not want me too. I have been putting this off as long as possible but I've gotten to the point where I've got to do something. I do not have any summer clothes at all. The two suits I have from last year are too small for me and I've given them to Ernest. I have been making out with the shoes I have and have not been able to buy a thing for myself. pay my running expenses so that if I have anything extra I immediately go in debt and my trouble now is that I've had a number of extra things to pay for. These include diploma fee, Cap and Gown and Hood for graduation; honorary fraternity initiation fee and key; medical organization fees and medical journals and besides this I've had several wedding presents to buy. This has all mounted up and at present I'm in need of some money. Father, I want to assure you that I have watched every penny I spend and I never buy anything foolishly and have denied myself many things that I would like very much to have. I am still wearing my winter clothes in spite of the fact that they are very uncomfortable now because I realize I cant afford to buy any. If you feel that is impossible for you to send me anything I will know that you cant and will just have to bear it. It took me a long time to force myself to write this and even now I feel like tearing it up. Your loving son Michael. I've had to pay for a number of things recently that have caused me to go in debt. The money I get each month barely [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO]