8/12/34 Dear Father, I received your recent letter and the enclosed check for which I desire to assure you of my unbound gratitude. Your unselfish propensity for and vaulting ambition towards enhancing the happiness and felicity of your children must be a great influencing factor in the eyes of God in so bestowing upon your bountiful success. My only hope is that we shall grow up worthy of such a father and I shall do my best towards this end. We have at last succeeded in having our transfusion instrument placed on the market. I have ordered one for Dr. Walter Maas and he should get his soon. I have also invented a new needle for transfusion which is in the process for manufacture now and which is apparently going to become a success as everyone that has seen it wants one like it. I hope that I shall be rewarded financially and if God [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] wills it we may obtain something. Your loving son, Michael.