November 29, 1932. Dear Dr. DeBakey: We are in receipt of your wire, in which you ask us to return the blood transfusion apparatus immediately. The reason for not sending the apparatus before is that the syringe which you sent had the flange broken, and we tried hard to find a syringe which fits into your outfit. The syringes which we had here were all more or less too tight or the needle tip was not exactly in the center. We sent one of our men to New York specially today to pick up a syringe which would fit. If you intend to improve the apparatus, please make the inner diameter for holding the syringe larger, for two reasons: first, it is somewhat small for the average syringe; second, most of the foreign-made syringes, such as the Vim, are made by hand and do not have the needle tip exactly in the center. Your apparatus would be improved if you could use our 10 c.c. Luer-Lok Control syringe because in the Luer-Lok construction the danger of tip breakage is practically eliminated. We are sending you this syringe under separate cover. If we can be of further service to you, please let us know. Very truly yours, Becton, Dickinson and Co. O. O. R. Schwidetzky, Manager Research Dept. [HANDWRITTEN ANNOTATION: We were unable to find in New York a Vim syringe which would fit without breaking the point, we found however, a foreign made syringe which fits]