March 28, 1975 Dear Mike, It would take the likes of Salinger, Hemingway, and Faulkner to even begin to help say the things I feel in my heart. Needless to say, watching you, your hands, and your mind save the life of that dear man is just "one" small part of what I'd like to allude to, but the hospital, the staff, the feeling, the dedication, and all the things I know you are directly responsible for made me feel not only inadequate, but so totally humble by it all that I still feel the inner tremor when I think about it . . . and suffice it to say, that's all I 've been thinking about since I left you. To say thank you for sharing with me those most private and intimate moments would be ludicrous. I would have to find something a thousand times more meaningful than just "thank you" to truly give all of it its proper due. Please extend my deep respect to "Ellen" and your entire team for making me feel so very welcome and comfortable. The pictures are "super terrific", and I think you will like what you'll see. (Copies are forthcoming.) Tell Lois, I knew she would be exactly the lovely lady I hugged . . . and the hug was genuine and warm and most loving . . . I knew I'd want to project those feelings when we met, and I'm glad I did. In closing, let me say, I think God did two great things: 1. He created you! 2. He allowed me to meet you and be your friend. You have my love and deep respect. Always, Jerry (Dictated but not read)