FROM THE OFFICE OF HONORABLE JOHN E. FOGARTY, REPRESENTATIVE FROM 2nd RHODE ISLAND DISTRICT. -REPRESENTATIVE FOGARTY IS HOSPITALIZED AT BETHESDA NAVAL HOSPITAL. THE FOLLOWING IS A STATEMENT ISSUED TODAY BY PAUL D. WHITE, M.D. (PAUL D. WHITE, M.D., IS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, NATIONAL ADVISORY HEART COUNCIL$ PAST CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL; AND TO QUOTE U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, "THE OUTSTANDING CARDIOLOGIST IN THE WORLD.") "I have been in Washington attending the meetings of the National Advisory Heart Council, being held June 18, 19 and 20 at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. I had intended talking with Congressman Fogarty while in Washington, since I have often discussed health research problems with him in the past. "On learning that he was hospitalized at the Naval Hospital here, I went there to see him. "I have talked at length with the Congressman and with the doctors who are attending him. I have also had an opportunity on several occasions to examine the charts and records of tests which have been made. "Congressman Fogarty has undoubtedly sustained a cardiac involvement, but all danger from this involvement now has passed. I agree with the doctors at the Naval hospital that he should re- main there for approximately two weeks. Then I believe a good rest is in order. It is his intention to finish his convalescence in New England this summer. "He should be fit to resume full normal activity before Fall, including attendance at a Fall Session of Congress, if there is one. Moke " Congressman Fogarty's office advises that he has been working at capacity since before the "mark-up" of the Appropriations Bill covering the Department of Labor and the new Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He has frequently expressed grave concern over the appro- priations for the hospital construction program and the federal research programs in cancer, heart, arthritis, etc., in which he has long had a great interest. During the floor debate on the appropriations bill, Congressman Fogarty fought vigorously for adequate funds for these programs. His office is convinced that his strenuous activity in this fight brought on the exhaustion which resulted in his present illness.