FOR RELEASE ON MONE » September 13, 1943. xy SUGGESTED PRESS RELEASE FOR MR. FOGARTY Following its hearings held in Newport, Rhode Island, during the middle of May, the House Naval Affairs Subcommittee on Congested Areas has been driving home its findings and recommendations, directed at real relief for federalized Newport and the Narragansett Bay Area, to the various authorities having cognizance over the matters covered by the recommendations. Representative John E. Fogarty, of Harmony, Rhode Island, a member of this twonfisted subcommittee, now more popularly re- ferred to as the “brass tacks" committee, today made the surprising reve- lation that four out of every five recommendatidns made by this hard working group in its report on the Narragansé area have been accom= plished or are being accomplished. Pa a burning desire to obtain critics of Congress. Gre mSibility for the progress in this area has been placed on Represepifative Fogarty's shoulders by the members of the Subcommittee. The accomplished results speak forcefully of his abil- ity and determination. Under the direction of Representative Fogarty and the members of the Subcommittee, Robert E. Kline, Jr., General Counsel of the investigat- ing Committee, has maintained critical, constructive and eenetent check on the progress of action by the various agencies on ~_ recomendations. Bf- | forts of the congressionai group wo remove the red ane of Washington have been carefully coordinated with the field activities of the President's Committee for Congested Production Areas. Corrington Gill » Director of that Committee, reports to and confers with Representative Fogarty and members of the Subcommittee and Mr. Kline. High on the list of accomplished recommendations are improvements in the working conditions of war labor, Following the recommendation of the Subcommittee, a "6-day work, l-day rest‘ work schedule was adopted by the Newport Naval Torpedo Station. Prior to this change in the working schedule, the majority of workers at the Torpedo Station had been working 13 days ata stretch, with the 14th day free. Paul V. McNutt, Chairman of the War Manpower Commission, has observed the recommendations of the Subcommittee with reference to manpower requirements in this area by directiyg his staff to make a careful study of the situation. As soon as that st been completed, the staff of the War Manpower Commission will mak ort Representative Fogarty and the members of the Subcommittee. ode Island State Director of Selective Service has been ins stigate the deferment policy of local draft boards ih the ares port as soon as possible. For the work, stores in Newport are staying open e at least one night a week erating with the Subcommittee on its recomnenda~ tion, the managers of the stores have indicated their willingness to stay open more nights as the need is shown. As a result of the wrelenting determination of the Subcommittee to improve the living conditions of our fighting personnel, several beneficial measures have been taken by the Navy for its personnel. Management of the Anchorage housing project has been returned to the Navy and dwellings in the project have been made available to the enlisted personnel. In keeping with the Subcommittee's observation that there should be more bachelor officers! ae quarters, the Prentice house has been acquired and is providing accommodations for 30 officers attached to the Naval Torpedo Station. The swinming pool at the Quonset Naval Air Station has been authorized as recommended by the Sub- committee and plans for its installation are proceeding. Complying with another recommendation of the Subcommittee, the Navy Department has granted authoriza~ tion for the construction of two barracks to house 300 WAVES. The Department is actively surveying the needs of the smaller naval establishments in the area. Eating facilities for civilian employees of the Navy in the Melville-~Coddington Cove area have been greatly improved in compliance with the Subcommittee 's recommendations. Steps are being taken by the C dant to have restaurant facilities provided at ime sorpedo Station the Coddington Cove area which will also serve some of the civi rsonne? of the near-by adjoining Public Works Department and Supply De e rest of the civilian workers at the Public Works Department ayg yQepot, not to be accommodated by the new facility because of the dis | be presently accommodated in a restaurant located near the Public Wpfks tment. Representative has been advised by John B. Blandford, Jr., Administrator of the National Housing Agency, of action taken by that agency in compliance with the Subcommittee's recommendations on housing. An extensive restudy of the war housing needs of Newport has recently been completed. 105 family dwelling units and 208 dormitory whites are now under construction and will soon be available for occupancy. Under the quota for private housing in the locality, priorities for an additional 175 family units are now avail- able. To comply with the recommendation that special dormitories for women be provided, the Perry Miil project nas been revised to accommodate women instead of men as originally contemplated. Community buildings for the Anchorage and oko Tonomy Hill projects were scheduled to have been completed in August. Arrange- ments are being made for the establishment of stores in the housing projects. Community facilities in the Wickford housing projects are being expanded with the view of integrating the commmity and recreational facilities of tenants in both projects. To meet existing housing needs in the Quonset-Davisville area, the National Housing Agency has increased the private priority quota from 498 tnits to 581 units and scheduled 102 dormitory accommodations for public construction. Considerable progress has been made on the Subcommittee's health recommendations. Funds have been alloted by the Federal Works Agency for improve- ments to the sewerage system of Middletowm. The FWA is making a survey of the sewerage facility needs of the Quonset—Davis area. Priorities have been granted and plans are completed for the 1 portijon of the additions to the Newport County Hospital. Major Gener((Pk§dip B. Fleming, FWA Administrator, Fates ii by the FWA for allotment of center for Newport is being ser cad S Lanham Act funds. has advised Representative Fogar fi Action has lagg on the transportation recommendations of the Subcommittee. The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company has made vigorous representations that war demands prevent sufficient availability of equipment for restoration of rail transportation between Newport and Providence, Davisville and Providence, and Fall River and Newport. This matter is still under consideration by the Office of Defense Transportation and is being pressed by the staff of the Subcommittee. ODT has been working on a plan for establish- ing more adequate rail service between Newport and Fall River. It has recom- mended that additional rail service be established between Davisville and Provi- dence to accommodate 4,000 men. No indication of reduction of the Mt. Hope Bridge toll has been received. Representative Fogarty called attention to Public Law No. 146, enacted in the last session of Congress, which became effec- tive on July 13, 1943 with the President's approval. This law provides certain authorities to the Public Roads Administration to purchase toll bridges. Joseph B. Eastman, ODT Director, has advised Representative Fogarty that ODT will look with favor on any applications by the Short Line Company for release of new buses and that he is taking up this matter with that company in order to make sure that they understand what steps they should take to ac- quire new buses. Progress has been made on the recommended Federal assistance for the repair and maintenance of city streets ged by heavy military traffic. Allotments have been made by the FWA and pr s granted under three separate projects to provide certain streets ac to the housing areas in Newport and Middletowm. In addition, Newport @lready made an application for certain street improvements of terest to the Army, being connecting streets between certain of ir ties. These applications have been recommended by the FWA Regional }Qffice. Copy mailed 9/9/43 to: Newport Herald (W. D. Hazard, Editor, Newport Herald Corp., Newport, R. I.) Newport News (Geo. Burdick, Editor, Edw. A. Sherman Pub, Co., Newport, R. I. R. I. Free Press, c/o Varnum Barber, City Hall, Pawtucket, R. I. John E. Fogarty, M. C., Room 1515, House Office Bldg., Washington, D. Ce ec