NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE (312 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE,N.W. WASHINGTON 5,D.C. Thursday Dear John: Thanks for the wire on the tickets. I'll have a big snort for you at the end of each quarter, or sooner, as the case may be. The first pig has been butchered and brought home. 151 pounds of pork, all wrapped and frozen. The hams and bacon are being processed and sm oked. There will be close to 200 pounds all told. Not bad. Jack Depenbrock, a nice guy and a good friend, told me Vic Purse is escorting your tour of inspection, inquiry, etc. There is a chance Vic Purse will,be moved up to the office for Congressional Relations, or some such thing. I think it is McFall's office. Jack has always wanted to get into this office and if you and/or John Rooney could, some time when the occasion is right, just mention a good guy who works for State, namely, Jack Depenbrock, it might do Jack some good. Depenbrock is a close friend of Bill Hallahan, clerk of House Banking and Currency. If you let Purse know you understand he is to get this new job Purse will know it came from Depenbrock and that will bag him. Maybe you shouldn't mention that to Rooney, in case of cups. For what it may be worth -- I was talking to Father Luke the other evening and he expressed great worry because no one has found the answer to "catastrophic illness". We were talking about such things as Socialized Medicine, and FSA plan for medical care for all over 65. He said he felt ashamed that the Catholic Church hadn't found some solution to the catastrophic illness business. He said someone will have to be- cause it's a crying need. (If the bra#adwinner in a family with 4 or 6 kids has a heart attack, or comes down with cancer or some such terrible malady - what happens to the sick one and his family who can't afford big hospital and doctors! bills.) I think Lodge had some kind of a pro- posal about the family paying the first $200. and then the Gov't paying the rest. If you think it might be an idea 1'11 look up what I can on it. Maybe you already have it cataloged. Hope you'll have a helluva time and don't fall out of any windows, asever yy ke rea é gi 5 :