HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, JR. NEW JERSEY “WMniled Dtates Senate WASHINGTON, D.c. November 23, 1965 The Honorable John FE. Fogarty U. S. Representative House Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Congressman Fogarty: In a recent speech in the Senate, I suggested the need for a health maintenance program for Americans. The program calls for free, voluntary disease detection and appraisal in semi-automated centers using the latest methods and equipment, At that time, I proposed that persons 65 and over be eligible. Further study has led me to believe that age 60 or even 50 might be a more realistic age limit in a program designed to detect indications of disease before the onset of ailments requiring hospitilization or lengthy treatment. You and others concerned with preventive medicine have, I am sure, already given much thought to the health needs which will become more and more apparent as the number of retired persons and those soon to retire continues to increase so dramatically. For that reason, I have enclosed a summary of legislation now being drafted to establish Health Protection Centers as well as a copy of the speech des= cribing the concept. It is my present intention to introduce this legislation early in 1966. Your comments on this proposal would be most helpful to me. In addition, case studies, statistics, and information relative to the need for such legis- lation would be most welcome. I would greatly appreciate any other suggestions or supporting data which you might care to offer. With thanks for your help and interest, Sincerely, | « HAW: wpg ‘Harrison A. Williams, Jr. Enclosures