Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec. Dec e iil. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 From The Day I Was Inducted I was inducted at the Armory in Baltimore and was given a very good reception by Col ------- and taken through by a very sociable Capte een-n--- - whieh all in all made it coparitivrly easy After signing my name about one hundred times I was officialy sworn into the Navy by Commander -------—~ at 12 O'clock noon and given my transportation to Davisville R. I. arriving in Providence that night and staying in Seekonk for the nite. I reported in at @avisville to Capt Rogers and also Met Comm. Hunter. Was assigne@ to the recieving center under a Lt. Hughes and then recieved my first three shots which to my suprise did not affect me. I was also outfitted the same day and recieved a overnight liberty reporting in the next morning at 7 O'clock which meant getting up at five A M. Spent most of the day getting used to the Navy and was notified that 4+ would leave the next day for Californigae. Recieved another overnite liberty and reported back the next day at 4 O'clock. Departed from the air station at Qyonset at 11 o'clock arriving in New York at 12:30 AM. L Departed from New York at 11 A M stopping in Willow Grove which is near Phisadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago, Olaithe which is near Kansas Cit™ and by the way the headquartersn for the Nats. Departed from Claithe 4:30 A M stopping in Ven Slow Arizona and arriving inOakland Cal Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It should be noted that the trip was made ina DC 3 such are used by the Commercial Airlines. The trip was very cold and the Red Cross Canteens which served free meals was very welcome and appreciated. Was given a ride into Oakland b; a leutanantand Hopped a bus for Camp Parks about thirty five miles distant. Arrived there at five o'clock and reported in at the recieving station assighed a bunk in barracks #61 and given a mattress and two blankets did not know what to do with them so waited until another Joe came in and then did the same as he. Went to chow and again followed the Joe in front of me after waiting in line for twenty five minutes but made out all right. That night went into the library and wrote a letter and retired about ten ofclock the time the lights went oute Up at 5:30 went to chow and then returned to the barracks to answer muster which I did not know what it was all about but as before just followed the guy in front of me. After that was marched in a group of 100 to take a phystcal and made out all first rate. That same morning met Capt Wilson, Com Siedel, Yeoman Fitspatrick and yeoman Pat Martin all good fellows. That nite met Tom Mullen and Chief M Neil of Boston and want to Oakland on liberty and had a pretty good time. This was really my first full Nasy day and experience 1n waitans in tin for everything under the sun, Meals Cigarettes etc. Recieved another shot and was vaccinated by Dr. Weber (Captain) Spent a few hours with Tom Mullen that nite and retired early. Dec 20 Dec 2h Dec 22 Dec 24 Departed from Camp Parks at 11:30 A M and finally left Alemeida Airportthat nite at 11;30 P M for Pearl Harbor on a PB 2 Ya four engined sea plane with five Army officers , it was noticed here that the ehlisted man always comes last the highest ranking officer boards the plane first and gets the pest seats. The trip was quite cold and no one very talkative. Arrived in Pearl Harbor 1:30 P M after having steak and eggs for breakfast and a pretty smooth trip. Checked in at the recieving Station which was called AIEU. Called Jim O'Donnell and he in retutn called Broderick who is in a collered Battalinn which was about to leave for the South Pacifid Spent the Night with O'Donnelland had a very pleasant evening. Had chow at 7 l'clock which was fair and then answered muster at /:45 and was assigned to the work detail which consisted of sweeping out the barracks and then swabbiny yhe decke Checked out at 2 o'clock and went to the Air Station to await the plane. While: -waitint met Lt. John Shields who just arrived the week befor as assistant personea Oslicer a job he did not like, however he secured a jeep and a pass for me and we went to Honolulu for Supper at Trader Vicks which is supposed to be quite a well known eating plate we had a steak dinner for three bucks which stunk. The only drinks we could get was rum and gin We had two Singapore Slings which was the limit for @ach customer all places closed at five @'clock. Left there and retunred to camp and left on a DR 5 which is a four motored cargo plane called by the Army C54at 8:30 P M stopping at the Johnston Islands where we had something to eat and not bad, left there and stopped in Kwajlien which is a God forsaken place just a levek -island and nothing to see or do, left there and arrived in Guam on Dec 24 at 1:30 pm. losing a day because of the International Date line Arrived at Guam at 1:50 pm. Taken to the Fifth Brigade Headquarters and met Comm Clark the Executive Ofiicer and was assighed to a tent withe three other frllows one Don Fransdieco from Cranston all pretty good fellows Trying to be non commital I finally foung out frome the office force that my mission was known because the letter to the Capt was opened by the clerks. Had chow which was fair however did not have to waitnin line. It being Xmas Eve most every one was doing pretty gocd and having a good time on beer had a few with some o@ the fellows and went to midnite mama at the 515,, CBs iv was a beautiful moonlight nite and very impressive out in the open under palm trees and a beartiful stage supposed to be one of the best in the Pacific Many of the boys recieved communion me also. Retired about 2 am with my clothes on because I had no blanket or mattress for my bunk. Dec Dec 25 26 Christmas Day Up at 8 am and had chow grapefruit juice post toasties and small banannas about four inches long, had dinner turkey aue- about 1 pm and it was ver good. The Capt Hilterbidle called me in the morning and was suprised to find that that he was public works officer at Newport relievine Com Halloran. Talked over my assignment with him and met Lt Lawerence who married a girl in Newport when he was there. The enlisted men opened their club at 2 pm and free beer (Schlitz) was served with sandwiches until 9 pm and also the red cross gave out a box containing a note book two packages ofncigarettes two bags of candy and come post cards. Retired about ten pm Up at 7 am had chow pretty good and then had my third typhoid shot at the hospital of the 25TH Cb Battalion.