SUITE 1215 © 1028 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N. W. * WASHINGTON 36, D.C. * 296-4435 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR — MIKE GORMAN CO-CHAIRMEN Mrs, Albert D. Lasker Mrs. Florence Mahoney SECRETARY Mrs. Alice Fordyce RESEARCH SECRETARY Jane E, McDonough HONORARY CHAIRMEN Chief Justice Earl Warren U.S. Supreme Court Hon. Adlai Stevenson Hon. Luther W. Youngdahl Judge, District of Columbia Hon. George C, Wallace Governor of Alabama Hon. William A, Egan Governor of Alaska Hon. Pau! Fannin Governor of Arizona Hon. Orval E, Faubus Governor of Arkansas Hon. Edmund G, Brown Governor of California Hon. John A, Love Governor of Colorado Hon. John N. Dempsey Governor of Connecticut Hon. Elbert N. Carvel Governor of Delaware Hon. C. Farris Bryant Governor of Florida Hon. Carl E. Sanders Governor of Georgia Hon. John A, Burns Governor of Hawaii Hon. Robert E, Smylie Governor of Idaho Hon. Otto Kerner Governor of Hlinois Hon. Matthew E, Welsh Governor of Indiana Hon. Harold E. Hughes Governor of fowa Hon, John Anderson, Jr. Governor of Kansas Hon. Bert 7. Combs Governor of Kentucky Hon. John H. Reed Governor of Maine Hon. J. Millard Tawes Governor of Maryland Hon. Endicott Peabody Governor of Massachusetts Hon, George W. Romney Governor of Michigan Hon, Karl Rolvaag Governor of Minnesota Hon, Ross R. Barnett Governor of Mississippi Hon. John M, Dalton Governor of Missouri Hon. Tim M, Babcock Governor of Montana Hon. Frank B. Morrison Governor of Nebraska Hon, Grant Sawyer Governor of Nevada tion. John W. King Governor of New Hampshire Hon, Richard J. Hughes Governor of New Jersey Hon. Jack M. Campbelf Governor of New Mexica Hon. Nelson A. Rockefeller Governor of New York Hon. Terry Sanford Governor of North Carolina Hon. William L. Guy Governor of North Dakota Hon. Mark Hatfield Governor of Oregon Hon. William W. Scranton Governor of Pennsylvania Hon, John H. Chafee Governor of Rhode Island Hon. Donald S. Russell Governor of South Carolina Hon. Archie M. Gubbrud Governor of South Dakota Hon. Frank G, Clement Governor of Tennessee Hon. George D. Clyde Governor of Utah Hon. Philip H. Hoff Governor of Vermont Hon. Albert D. Rosellini Governor of Washington Hon. William W. Barron Governor of West Virginia Hon. John W, Reynolds Governor of Wisconsin August 31, 1964 The Honorable John E. Fogarty United States House of Representatives Washington 25, D. CG. Dear John: I enclose suggested language on the cancer contract program for inclusion in your conference report to the House on Labor-H.E.W. -appropriations for fiscal 1965. I would like to talk to you about the appropriations for the juvenile delinquency program. As you know, the Senate included $15 million for the first year of the program under the renewal authorization passed by the Congress in 1964. All of us who are interested in the field of juvenile delinquency hope that you will be able to hold the full $15 million in conference. Cordially, an mo, Vif Mike Gorman Enclosure Cancer Contract Language for Conference Report on Labor-H.E.W., fiscal 1965 Appropriations In recent years as the National Cancer Institute has concentrated increasingly upon certain broad areas in the causation and treatment of cancer, it has made increasing use of the contract mechanism in order to achieve specifically defined goals. The contract mechanism has been widely applied in the collaborative cancer chemotherapy program and recently it has come increasingly into use in exploring the possible links between various viruses and the development of cancer. The National Cancer Advisory Council is clearly directed by Public Law 655 to review research applications not only from universities or hospitals, but from industrial or other sources. Before making payment for support of these projects, the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service must receive certification of approval from the National Advisory Council. On September 26, 1963, in presenting to the House the conference report on Labor- H.E.W. appropriations for fiscal 1964, I noted that these research contracts were not being cleared through the Advisory Council as mandated by law. I informed the House at that time that it was my judgment that research contracts should be cleared through the Council in the same manner as all research grant applications, In reviewing and evalu- ating the various programs of the National Cancer Institute, the Council is unable to fulfill its task if it is not given basic information on contract programs which involve the expenditure of millions of dollars each year. The Senate this year added $10 million to the budget of the National Cancer Institute to carry out a special program exploring in depth the exciting leads relating to the viral causation of cancer. This new program, which I heartily endorse, should also be subjected to careful review and approval by the National Cancer Advisory Council. page two Mr. Speaker, the sense of the conference report therefore directs officials of the National Cancer Institute to submit all contracts for review and approval by the Council, It further directs the Institute to provide the Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate with a list of all actions taken by the National Cancer Advisory Council on these contract programs within 30 days after the termination of each Gouncil meeting.