DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE . BETHESDA 14, MD. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Tel: 656-4000 June 26, 1964 Mrs. Mary W. Lasker Chrysler Building New York 17, New York Dear Marys As a follow up on our luncheon meeting of June 21st regarding information supplied to the National Advisory Cancer Council members on NCI programs supported by the contract mechanism, I am supplying copies of some of the materials sent to the members by the NCI staff over the past several months. These materials include rather detailed information on each contract (the large red book) and broad program information emphasizing the activities supported by the contract mechanism. In addition from time to time various staff members have presented to the two Council Swbcommittees reviews of the program areas involving contract support. The red book was sent to Council members in early November and the books were available at the Council meeting held in November of last year. Many of the Council members expressed their appre- } / ciation of the excellent summary made available to them at that KE. time. The gray book was a broad summary of the overall program of the National Cancer Institute which gave emphasis to the intramural and contract supported programs, and was supplemented by data on the distribution of grants by various categories. This was made available to the Council members prior to the initial meeting of the presently constituted Subcommittees on Carcinogenesis and Pre- vention and Diagnosis and Treatment. At the same time an NCI Fact Book was supplied and a revised edition has subsequently been ‘made available to the Council. Subsequent to distribution of the red book, the blue pook containing broad program information in the areas supported by contracts, National Cancer Institute National Heart Institute National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases National Institute of Dental Research Nationa! Institute of Mental Health National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness The Clinical Center Division of Biologics Standards Division of General Medical Sciences Division of Research Facilities and Resources Division of Research Grants Division of Research Services me including excerpts from the minutes of the Scientific Directorate covering these program reviews » was also distributed. Additional information on the program review of the clinical chemotherapy area, which has recently been completed by the Scientific Directorate ; will be sent to the Council members shortly. For the Council meeting just completed a document discussing goals and objectives of cancer research and their means for implementation was also distributed prior to the meeting. I hope this letter and the attachments clarify some of the questions about material made available to the Council on those programs supported through the contract mechanism. Sincerely, ses James A. Shannon, M. D. Director National Institutes of Health ec: Professor Jerome Weisner