PAUL DUDLEY WHITE, M. D. 264 BEACON STREET BOSTON, MASS. August 18, 1955. Mr. John Fogarty, Providence, Rhode Isiand. Dear John:-~ Just a line to give you a date for a check-up before long and to tell you of my sympathetic appreciation of what you had to go through this spring and summer in strengthening the base of the allocations of funds for the National Institutes of Health. I have taiked with Jim Watt and others about the situation and have heard of your trials and tribulations and I want you to know of my own sympathy and support of your stand. We were, of course, disappointed in not having much of any additional money after the increased overhead was taken care of, but with this base we can, I hope, develop a realistic program next year with clearer, detailed designation of the needs, We had hoped that the compromise with the Senate might have been midway between the two figures but perhaps we can urge that another year. I hope you are feeling well and that I shall see you soon. Would Tuesday, August 30th, at 2 P.M. be a suitable time for you? Wath feat wala & Sincerely yours, Qe 9h