‘aby wer i “GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION National Archives and Records Service Washington, D.C’. 20408 4 42 GENERAL SERVICES * ADMINISTRATION 3 em & May 14, 1965 IN REPLY REFER TO: Honorable John E. Fogarty House of Representatives Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Fogarty: I am enclosing a transcript of the interview we recorded in your office on April 14, 1965, for the John F. Kennedy Library Oral History Project. Our usual procedure in this Project is to ask each participant to edit his transcript and return it to me for final typing. Already I have made a few minor changes on the transcript enclosed -- mostly in punctuation and wording. I hope you will not hesitate to make any changes you wish to make, or to add any recollections of John Kennedy which should be in the record but which we did not discuss when the interview was being taped. After you have returned the enclosed copy to me for final typing I will send one copy of the final transcript to you for your personal files. Two other copies of the final transcript will be held at the National Archives until the Kennedy Library is built and ready for occupancy. At that time we will transfer to the Library all the transcripts which the Oral History Project has accumulated. All of us involved in this Project for the Kennedy Library peda! appreciate your fine cooperation with our efforts, @, f ft Clr fin 4 a Yi fr wate ae Aespi abet Sreltieclt oe Sincerely yours, 2, Ll o at 7 Charles T. Morrissey — 3 G Chief, John F. Kennedy Library | 3 Oral History Project as Keep Freedom in Your Future With U.S. Savings Bonds