Association of Parents, Teachers, and Counselors American School for the Deaf West Hartford 7, Connecticut The Honorable John E. Fogarty House Office Washington, D. G. Dear Congressman Fogarty: T am the parent of a profoundly deaf child who will graduate from the American School for the Deef in West Hartford, Connecticut, this June. . am writing to you as @ representative of other arents of profoundly deaf children at the school, vers ding the college program offered at Galleadet Gollege for the Deef in Washington, D. C. We have learned of your personal interest in the progress and education of the dear, your qualifications with regard to the a We know you have sponsored education for and, in this re spect, we would appree a tion on the approximate number of prof students inclucea in your programs. ei We have received information through number- ous pamphlets, ete., on Gallacet Col Teges and we feel their program for the profoundly deaf should be broadened to inelude more fields. We helices the profoundly deaf child should be sivyen every consideration possible toward attaining as com plete en education as possible because of his hendican. oo Tt has also been brought to our attention that, on e percentage basis, Galladet College appears to admit more of the hard of hearing stu- dents rather than the profoundly deaf. We feel the profoundly deaf shovid be given en equal opportunity to learn. Association of Parents, Teachers, and Counselors American School for the Deaf West Hartford 7, Connecticut The Honorable John BE. Fogarty <2- April 13, 1962 We realize the college issue is an evasive one, but we would certainly appreciate any assistance you could render us regarding a higher educational program for the profoundly deaf at Galladet College. If you have any information you could forward us on the above, we would be very erateful. Your courtesy in this matter will be greatly appreciated, as will be any suggestions you might have to offer. Very truly yours, conn T, MeGee 9 dP es 130 Rosewood Place Bridgerort, Connecticut