i. H. FOUNTAIN, N.C., CHAIRMAN 1 FLORENCE P. DWYER, N.J. ODIN LANGEN, MINN. EIGHTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS JOHN A. BLATNIX, MINN. NEAL SMITH, IOWA ROSS BASS, TENN. CAPITOL 43121 Congress of the Anited States Eerecion 250 Mouse of Representatives INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING ROOM 101, GEORGE WASHINGTON INN WASHINGTON, D.C. ore : c OF Congress L235 House Office “y et waa hits Pty Rear Mr. Che oLLowing n the ormation to your £ House at 4 upon by the Sen: whieh would 7 yortant Gover he SAAR ment t do not how wo aPe, OF COL 1.8 Rae Repoenecnh Oe ae rte wat e Angee ~ Honorable Jonn EB. Fogarty fuly 27, 1902 Page @ - the Committee charged with the responsibility of « eee ug the extent to whieh Fede eral agencies operate economical tlently, we certainly tbo expect reasonable man: ed to insure that are bel x peru a the more ently ed by the the subs Nesses ants are heing 8 to support add reasonable GE adds eionel pre; ot whe, OI bo a Sou go eh = or Con Brees de isl i wish dn cOnnetat bee's study of the admini NIH extramural prog B vad thes OL With ¥ ee: Honorable Ke. Denton Honorable Cammon Bonorable Honorable