pe en JOHN E, FOGARTY 2p Dist., RHODE ISLAND Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, B.C. July 31, 196) Dear Mr. President, I was greatly disappointed to learn of your elimination of all Members of the Cabinet and those who regularly attend Cabinet meetings from consid- eration for the Office of Vice President of the United States. To my mind, it appears to demean the Office of Vice President by giving it a status inferior to the Cabinet. The people I have talked to in this area and all those who have called in seem to think that you have shut out the Kennedy family from aspiring to the position of Vice President. It seems to me that no person should be arbitrarily prevented from run- ning for any public office and, particularly, for the highest offices in the land -- President and Vice President. _ I thought I should pass on to you the reaction of the people I've talked to up here and let you know how deeply they feel about the situation. With kindest regards, I am ยป Sincerely yours hn E. eects uy Mamber of Congress The President The White House Washington, D. C.