877TH CONGRESS 1st SESSION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marcy 21, 1961 Mr. Foearry introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Education and Labor To make available to children who are handicapped by deafness the specially trained teachers of the deaf needed to develop their abilities and to make available to individuals suffering speech and hearing impairments the specially trained speech pathologists and audiologists needed to help them overcome their handicaps. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2, tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 TITLE I—TRAINING OF TEACHERS OF 4 THE DEAF 5 Src. 101. In order to encourage and facilitate the train- 6 ing of teachers of the deaf, the Commissioner of Education 7 (hereinafter in this title referred to as the “Commissioner” ) I—O eo fe FTF GO fo FSF © WN eH bd BD ND eh ek kek fk fee nk fend e® © 8&8 BS S 8 B&B & S&F & RE & EE 2 shall, with the advice and assistance of the Advisory Com- mittee on the Training of Teachers of the Deaf (established by section 105 and hereinafter in this title referred to as the “Advisory Committee”) , establish and conduct a program of grants-in-aid to accredited public and nonprofit institutions of higher education which are approved training centers for teachers of the deaf or are affiliated with approved public or other nonprofit institutions which are approved for the training of teachers of the deaf to assist such institutions in providing courses of training and study for teachers of the deaf and in improving such courses. Such grants-in-aid shall be used by such institutions to assist in covering the cost of -such courses of training and study and for establishing and maintaining scholarships for qualified persons who desire to enroll in such courses of training and study, the stipends of any such scholarships to be determined by the Commis- sioner. ‘The Commissioner shall submit all applications for grants-in-aid under this title to the Advisory Committee for its review and recommendations, and the Commissioner shall not approve any such application before he has received and studied the recommendations of the Advisory Committee with respect to such application, unless the Advisory Com- mittee shall have failed to submit its recommendations to him after having had adequate time to do so. Smo. 102, Payments of grants-in-aid pursuant to this oe eo nF © fF SP | DO fA eck fam De © fab fend Hm 9 dS. RO Lt best bet fet fet 4 Go 8 fom co) c© oo ony Oa on bo Or 3 title shall be made by the Commissioner from time to time and on such conditions as he may determine, including the making of such reports as the Commissioner’ may determine to be necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. Such payments may be made either in advance or by way of reim- bursement. Src. 103. For the purposes of this title: (a) The term “nonprofit”, as applied to an institution, means an institution owned and operated by one or more corporations or associations no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; (b) The term “accredited”, as applied to an institution of higher education, means an institution of higher education accredited by a nationally recognized body or bodies ap- proved for such purpose by the Commissioner: and (c) The term “approved”, as applied to training centers for teachers of the deaf, means centers approved by a nation- ally recognized body or bodies approved for the purpose by the Commissioner, except that a training center for teachers of the deaf which is not, at the time of its application for a grazit under this title, approved by such a recognized body or bodies may be deemed approved for purposes of this title if the Commissioner finds, after consultation with the appro- priate approved body or bodies, that there is reasonable as- bo rt © © 23 OO oa Fe w& 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2d 4 surance that the center will, with the aid of such grant, meet the approval standards of such body or bodies. | Src. 104, The Commissioner is authorized to delegate any of its functions under this title, except the making of regulations, to any officer or employee of the Office of Education. SEc. 105. (a) There is hereby established in the Office of Education an Advisory Committee on the Traimimg of Teachers of the Deaf. The Advisory Committee shall con- sist of the Commissioner, who shall be Chairman, and twelve persons appointed, without regard to the civil nn laws, by the Commissioner with the approval of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. The twelve appointed members shall be selected so as to secure on the Committee a balanced representation from among individuals identified with institutions approved for the training of teachers of the deaf, individuals identified with institutions of higher edu- cation which are affiliated with institutions approved for the training of teachers of the deaf, individuals who have re- sponsibilities in the teaching of the deaf, and individuals identified with the general public who have demonstrated an interest im the education of the deaf. (b) The appointed members of the Advisory Committee shall hold office for a term of four years, except that (1) any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to © © @ ®& om B® & BD DM DD DD DD DD DD ehh ek eh ek feah fh ao Ff 8 SM FH SG © DO NH @ HO B WH DW SB & 5 the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term, and (2) the terms of the members first taking office after the date of enactment of this title shall expire, as designated by the Commissioner at the time of appoimtment, three at the end of four years after such date, three at the end of three years after such date, three at the end of two years after such date, and three at the end of one year after such date. None of the appointed members shall be eligible for reappointment until a year has elapsed since the end of his preceding term. (c) The Advisory Committee shall periodically review the operations of the grants-in-aid program established pur- suant to this title with a view to determining the extent to which such program is succeeding in carrying out the pur- poses for which it was established. On the basis of such reviews the Advisory Committee shall submit to the Com- missioner such recommendations with respect to the opera~ tion and administration of the program as it may deem advisable, together with any recommendations for legislation which it may deem necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes for which this title was enacted. Such recom- mendations, together with the Commissioner’s comments thereon, shall be referred to the Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare for transmittal by him to the Congress. iw) So Go Pe &W o Oo x 10 il 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 6 (d) The Advisory Committee is authorized to review all applications for grants-in-aid oniler this title and recom- mend to the Commissioner the approval of such applications as, in the opinion of the Advisory Committee, contribute to the carrying out of the purposes of this title, and the disap- proval of such applications as, in the opinion of the Advisory Committee, do not contribute to the carrying out of such purposes. (e) The Commissioner may utilize the services of any member or members of the Advisory Committee in connec- tion with matters relating to the provisions of this title, for. such periods, in addition to conference periods, as he may determine. (f) Members of the Advisory Committee shall, while serving on business of the Advisory Committee or at the request of the Commissioner under subsection (e) of this section, receive compensation at rates fixed by the Secre- tary of Health, Education, and Welfare, not to exceed $50 per day, and shall also be entitled to receive an allowance for actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses’ while so serving away from their places of residence, except that any member may waive his right to receive such com- pensation or allowance, or both. SEC. 106. (a) For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this title there are authorized to be appropriated. . oo Pe WC SO