Gallandetr College Bentall Green Washington 2, 8. €. OFFICH# OF THE PRESIDENT April 16, 1959 Hon, John E. Fogarty House of Representatives Washington 25, D. C. My dear Mr. Fogarty: I was in your office Tuesday, and your secretary kindly gave me several copies of House Resolution #316. Naturally Gallaudet College is very much interested in this joint resolution which has been referred to the committee on Education and Labor. Our college is one of four major training centers in institutions where deaf children are available for laboratory work, namely, Gallaudet College; Clarke School for the Deaf, Northampton, Mass.; Central Institute for the Deaf, St. Louis, Mo. 3 Lexington School for the Deaf, 904 Lexington Ave., New York City. It is very important that any bill passed protect these comparatively smaller teacher training units because it is these four training centers which have provided the majority of teachers of deaf children down through the years. Those training centers located in large universi- ties, such as the one in Tennessee, are more interested in speech correction for those having normal hearing and those having a slight loss of hearing. A teacher trained to do that work is not trained to teach deaf children. We must be sure that the bill is so worded that teachers of deaf children be included. It is our hope, therefore, that we will have an op- portunity to participate in any discussions on this bill. -2- We do appreciate everything you do for the welfare of the deaf child. Your contributions to the program at Gallaudet College have been marvelous. I do hope sometime you can get out to see the great advances made here in the last few years. Kindest regards. xo Sincerely yours / ? fe" A ie PA the Wifi WA] UC. Leonard M, Elstad President q i f Aw