CO-CHAIRMEN. Mrs. Albert D. Lasker Mrs, Florence: Mahoney. SECRETARY ‘Governor of Montana : Hon. Ralph. S Brooks : Governor of Pennsylvania Hon. Christopher Del Sesto Governor of Vermont Hon, J. Lindsay | Al mond of West P Vigine Hon. Gaylord A. Nelson : Governor of ese ne NA AGAINST TIONAL COMMITTEE MENTAL ILLNESS, INC. 1028 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W. @ SUITE 1215 @ WASHINGTON 6,D.C. @ REPUBLIC 7-4398 Executive Director MIKE GORMAN July 24, 1959 Honorable John E, Fogarty House Office Building Washington, D.C, Dear John: Dr. Michael DeBakey spoke to both Dr. Leonard Heaton and Dr, Howard Snyder on Thursday. He said. they were both deeply interested in the problem of precise measurement of cholesterol. Dr, Heaton told Dr, DeBakey that the President is always asking for a cholesterol count, and that the President worries more about it than he does about his golf score. In talking to both doctors about the inadequacy of heart research in this country, Or. DeBakey pointed out that English scientists had developed a much more precise measurement of fatty substances in the blood, I enclose Dr, DeBakey's statement before the Roberts Subcommittee, which goes into some detail on the new English method. When Congressman Laird asked Dr, DeBakey why we couldn't duplicate the English achieve- ment, Dr, DeBakey said that we were lagging badly in America in the development of surgical instruments and techniques for scientific measurement of metabolic changes. Dr. DeBakey told Laird that when he visited Russia last fall, he saw a surgical instrument insti- tute in Moscow which is far beyond anything we have in this country. I think this material can be used with some effect upon Laird in the conference on Tuesday, Here is the President of the United States unable to get a precise measurement of the fatty substances in his blood he- cause of a lack of research knowledge in this country, Cordially, qe k 7 uM Ag Mike Gorman Enclosure MG: bhf