85ra CONGRESS 2p SessIon R 1164 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 20, 1958 Ordered to be printed with the amendments of the Senate numbered Making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money BP OC DW we in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Depart- 5 ments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and 6 related agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959, 7 namely: I ho 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 20 2 TITLE [—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFicE oF TH SECRETARY SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Office of the Secretary of Labor (hereafter in this title referred to as the Secretary), including payment in advance when authorized by the Secre- tary for dues or fees for library membership in organizations whose publications are available to members only or to members at a price lower than to the general public; and purchase of uniforms or allowances therefor, as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2131) ; $1,478,000, of which not more than $213,000 shall be for ternational labor affairs. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Office of the Solicitor, $2,321,000. Bureau or Lasor STANDARDS SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the promotion of industrial safety, employment stabilization, and amicable industrial relations for labor and industry; performance of safety func- tions of the Secretary ander the Federal Employees’ Com- pensation Act, as amended (5 U.S. GC. 784 (c)}; per- formance of the functions vested in the Secretary by title I Oo CO sx 10 1 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o of the Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947 (29 U.S.C. 159 (f) and (g)) ; and not less than (1)$192,575 $201,575 for the work of the President’s Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, as authorized by the Act of July 11, 1949 (63 Stat 409): Provided, That no part of the appropriation for the President’s Committee shall be subject to reduction or transfer to any other department or agency under the provisions of any existing law; including purchase of reports and of material for informational exhibits and expenses of attendance of cooperating officials and con- sultants at conferences concerned with the work. of the Bureau of Labor Standards; (2}$995,900 $1,004,000. BUREAU OF VETERANS’ REEMPLOYMENT. Rieuts SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary to render assistance in connec- tion with the exercise of reemployment rights under section 8 of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended (50.U. 8. C. App. 308), the Service Extension Act of 1941, as amended (50 U.S. C. App. 351), the Army Reserve and Retired Personnel Service Law of 1940, as amended (50 U.S. C. App. 401), and section 9 of the Uni- versal Military Training and Service Act (50 U.S. C. App. 459), and the Reserve Forces Act of 1955 (69 Stat. 598), $542,000. 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 4 BUREAU OF APPRENTICESHIP SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary to enable the Secretary to con- duct a program of encouraging apprentice traiming, as authorized by the Acts of March 4, 1913 (5 U. 8. 0. 611), and August 16, 1937 (29 U. 8. C. 50), @)$s;690;000 $3,700,000. | BuREAU OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expense necessary for the general administration of the employment service and unemployment compensation programs, including temporary employment of persons, without regard to the civil-service laws, for the farm place- ment migratory labor program; $6,219,000, of which $1,145,800 shall be for carrying into effect the provisions of title IV (except section 602) of the Servicemen’s Read- justment Act of 1944. GRANTS TO STATES FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ADMINISTRATION For grants in accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 6, 1933, as amended (29 U. 8. C. 49-49n), for carrying into effect section 602 of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, for grants to the States as authorized in title III of the Social Security Act, as Oo CR = oo a a 10 11 12 | 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 5 amended (42 U. 8. C. 501-503), including, upon the request of any State, the purchase of equipment, and the payment of rental for space made available to such State in lieu of grants for such purpose, for necessary ex- penses including purchasing and installing of air-conditioning equipment in connection with the operation of employment office facilities and services in the District of Columbia, (4and for the acquisition of a building through such arrangements as may be required to provide quarters for such offices and facilities in the District of Columbia and for the District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation | Board, subject to the same conditions with respect to the use of these funds for such purposes as are applicable to the procurement of buildings for other State employment security agencies, and for expenses not otherwise provided for, necessary for carrying out title IV of the Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 (66 Stat. 684) and title XV of the Social Security Act, as amended (68 Stat. 1130), $305,000,000 of which $10,000,000 shall be avail- able only to the extent necessary to meet increased costs of administration resulting from changes in a State law or increases in the numbers of claims filed and claims paid or increased salary costs resulting from changes in State salary compensation plans embracing employees of the State gen- 10° 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ‘19 20 21 6 erally over those upon which the State’s basic grant (or the allocation for the District of Columbia) was based, which increased costs of administration cannot be provided for by normal budgetary adjustments: Provided, That notwithstand- ing any provision to the contrary in section 302 (a) of the Social Security Act, as amended, the Secretary of Labor shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to each State found to be in compliance with the requirements of the Act of June 6, 1933, and, except in the case of Puerto Rieo, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, with the provisions of section 303 of the Social Security Act, as amended, such amounts as he determines to be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of its unemploy- ment compensation law and of its public employment offices: Provided further, That such amounts as may be agreed upon by the Department of Labor and the Post Office Department shall be used for the payment, in such manner as said parties may jointly determine, of postage for the transmission of official mail matter in connection with the administration of unemployment compensation. systems and employment services by States receiving grants herefrom. ~< “In carrying out the provisions of said Act of June 6, -1933, the provisions of section 803 (a) (1) of the Social - Security Act, as amended, relating to the establishment and GO ol 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23- 7 maintenance of personnel standards on the merit basis, shall apply. None of the funds appropriated by this title to the Bureau of Employment Security for grants-in-aid of State agencies to cover, in whole or in part, the cost of operation of said agencies including the salaries and expenses of officers and employees of said azencies, shall be withheld from the said agencies of any States which have established by Iegis- lative enactment and have in operation a merit system and classification and compensation plan covering the selection, tenure in office, and compensation of their employees, be- cause of any disapproval of their personnel or the manner of their selection by the agencies of the said States, or the rates of pay of said officers or employees. Grants to States, next succeeding fiscal year: For making, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, payments to States under title ITT of the Social Security Act, as amended, and under the Act of June 6, 1933, as amended, for the first quarter of the next succeeding fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary, the obligations incurred and the expenditures made thereunder for payments under such title and under such Act of June 6, 1933, to be charged to the appropriation therefor for that fiscal year. © mo NH DB ao -& BO NHB ft tk ek Dp KF © 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 jh 24. 8 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FOR VETERANS For payments to unemployed veterans as authorized by title IV of the Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952, $19,000,000. ' Unemployment compensation for veterans, next suc- ceeding fiscal year: For making, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, payments to States, as authorized by title IV of the Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952, such sums as may be necessary to pay benefits for the first . quarter of the next succeeding fiscal year, and the obliga- tions and expenditures thereunder shall be charged to the appropriation therefor for that fiscal year. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEES For payments to unemployed Federal employees, either directly or through payments to States, as authorized by title XV _ of the Social. Security Act, as amended, $27,800,000. Unemployment compensation for Federal employees, next succeeding fiscal year: For making, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, payments to States, as authorized by title XV of the Social Security Act, as amended, such amounts as may be required for payment to unemployed Federal employees for the first quarter of the next succeed- a) GO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 ing fiscal year, and the obligations and expenditures there- under shall be charged to the appropriation therefor for that fiscal year. (S)COMPLIANCE ACTEVEPHIS, MEXICAN FARM EABOR PROGRAM For expenses necessary to enable the Department te determine compliance with the provisions of contracts en- tered inte pursuant to the Let of daly 12, 4954, as amended, SALARIES AND EXPENSES, MEXICAN FARM LABOR PROGRAM For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to carry out the functions of the Department of Labor under the Act of July 12, 1951 (65 Stat. 119), as amended, including temporary employment of persons without regard — to the civil-service laws, $2,250,000, of which $910,600 shall be derived by transfer from the farm labor supply revolving fund: Provided, That reimbursement to the United States under agreements hereafter entered into pursuant to section 502 of the Act of October 31, 1949, as amended (7 U. 8. C. 1462), shall include all expenses of maintaining and oper- ating migration and reception centers, including salaries and expenses of regular and other employees engaged therein. H.R. 116452 oO m wo nN Ee So wm x 10 iL 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10 Burau or EMpiovuns’ CompansaTion SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary administrative expenses and not to exceed $99,000 for the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board, $2,810,600, together with not to exceed $47,400 to be derived from the fund created by section 44 of the Long- shoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, as amended (33 U. 8. 0. 906). | EMPLOYEES’ COMPENSATION FUND For the payment of compensation and other benefits and expenses (except administrative expenses) authorized by law and accruing during the current or any prior fiscal year, including payments to other Federal agencies for medical and hospital services pursuant to agreement ap- proved by the Bureau of Employees’ Compensation; con- tinuation of payment of benefits as provided for under the head “Civilian War Benefits’ im the Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1947; the advancement of costs for enforcement of recoveries in third-party cases; the furnishing of medical and hospital services and sup- plies, treatment, and funeral and burial expenses, in- cluding transportation and other expenses incidential to such services, treatment, and burial, for such enrollees of the Civilian Conservation Corps as were certified by the Director of such Corps as receiving hospital services 16 17 18 19 20 at 22 24 20 11 and treatment at Government expense on June 30, 1943, and who are not otherwise entitled thereto as civilian employees of the United States, and the limitations and au- thority of the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended (5 U.S. ©. 796), shall apply in providing such services, treat- ment, and expenses in such cases and for payments pursuant to sections 4 (c) and 5 (f) of the War Claims Act of 1948 (50 U. 8. C., App. 2012) ; such amount as may be required during the current fiscal year. Bureau or Lapor Statistics SALARIES AND EXPENSES Hor expenses necessary for the work of the Bureau of . Labor Statistics, including advances or reimbursement to State, Federal, and local agencies and their employees for services rendered, (6)$7,332,000 $7,517,000. WoMEN’s BUREAU SALARIES AND EXPENSES _ For expenses necessary for the work of the Women’s Bureau, as authorized by the Act of June 5, 1920 (29 U. 8. C. 11-16), including purchase of reports and material. for informational exhibits, $462,000. WaGE AND Hour Division SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for performing the duties im- posed by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, oO Be CW bd 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 © 20 21 22 23 24 20 12 and the Act to provide conditions for the purchase of sup plies and the making of contracts by the United States, approved June 30, 1936, as amended (41 U.8. C. 85-45), including reimbursement to State, Federal, and local agencies and their employees for inspection services rendered, and ~ not to exceed $3,000 for expenses of attendance of cooper- ating officials and consultants at conferences concerned with the work of the Division, $10,500,000. This title may be cited as the “Department of. Labor Appropriation Act, 1959”. TITLE IT-DEPARTMENT OF DHALTH, EDUCA- TION, AND WELFARE AMERICAN PrintiNne HovusE ror THE BLIND EDUCATION OF THE BLIND For carrying out the Act of March 3, 1879, as amended (20 U. 8. ©. 101-105) , $400,000. Foop anp Drug ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses not otherwise provided for, of the Food and Drug Administration, including purchase of not to exceed twenty-five passenger motor vehicles for re- placement only; reporting and illustrating the results of in- vestigations; purchase of chemicals, apparatus, and scien- tific equipment; payment in advance for special tests and analyses by contract; and payment of fees, travel, and per o CO SF Do RO FS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 20 13 diem in connection with studies of new developments per- tient to food and drug enforcement operations; €7}$95300;- 806 $9,800,000. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, CERTIFICATION, INSPECTION, AND OTHER SERVICES For expenses necessary for the certification or inspec- tion of certain products, and for the establishment of tolerances for pesticides, in accordance with sections 406, 408, 504, 506, 507, 604, 702A, and 706 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended (21 U.S. C. 346, 346a, 354, 356, 357, 364, 372a, and 376) , the aggre- gate of the advance deposits during the current fiscal year to cover payments of fees for services in connection with such certifications, mspections, or establishment of toler- ances, to remain available until expended. The total amount. herein appropriated shall be available for purchase of chemicals, apparatus, and scientific equipment; expenses of advisory committees; and the refund of advance deposits for which no service has been rendered. HREEDMEN’S HosprraL SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for operation and maintenance, including repairs; furnishing, repairing, and cleaning of wearing apparel used by employees in the performance of their official duties; transfer of funds to the appropriation 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14 “Salaries and expenses, Howard University” for salaries of technical and professional personnel detailed to the hospital; payments to the appropriation of Howard University for actual cost of heat, light, and power furnished by such university; $2,975,000: Provided, That no intern or tes dent physician receiving compensation from this appropria- tion on a full-time basis shall receive compensation in the form of wages or salary from any other appropriation in this title: Provided further, That the District of Columbia shall pay by check to Freedmen’s Hospital, upon the Sur- geon General’s request, in advance at the beginning of each quarter, such amount as the Surgeon General calculates will be earned on the basis of rates approved by the Bureau of the Budget for the care of patients certified by the District of Columbia. Bills rendered by the Surgeon General on the basis of such calculations shall not be subject to audit or cer- tification in advance of payment; but proper adjustment of amounts which have been paid in advance on the basis of such calculations shall be made at the end of each quarter: Provided further, That the Surgeon General may delegate the responsibilities imposed upon him by the foregoing proviso. 8 10 di 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 GALLAUDET COLLEGE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For the partial support of Gallaudet College, including personal services and miscellaneous expenses, and repairs and improvements, as authorized by the Act of June 18, - 1954 (Public Law 420), C838485,000 $815,000: Provided, That Gallaudet College shall be paid by the District of Columbia, in advance at the beginning of each quarter, at the rate of $1,295 per school year for each student attending and receiving instruction in elementary or secondary education pursuant to the Act of March 1, 1901 (31 D. C. Code | 1008). . | CONSTRUCTION For the preparation of plans and specifications for con- struction and equipment of buildings and facilities on the grounds of Gallaudet College, as authorized by the Act of June 18, 1954 (Public Law 420) , under the supervision of the General Services Administration, $123,000, to remain available until June 30, 1960, as follows: For an auditorium; a classroom and dormitory building, Kendall School; green- houses; athletic fields and stands; maintenance building; maintenance personnel apartments; and alterations, installa- tions, equipment, roads, walks, and grading. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 Howarp UNIVERSITY SALARIES AND EXPENSES For the partial support of Howard University, including personal services and miscellaneous expenses and repairs to buildings and grounds, (99$3;900;000 $4,000,000. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS For the preparation of plans and specifications for con- struction, under the supervision of the General Services Ad- ministration, on the grounds of Howard University, of a physical education building, $123,000, to remain available until June 30, 1960. CONSTRUCTION OF MEN’S DORMITORY (LIQUIDATION OF CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION) For payment of obligations incurred under authority previously provided, to enter into contracts for the construc- tion of the men’s dormitory, $163,000. OFFICE oF EDUCATION PROMOTION AND FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION For carrying out the provisions of section 3 of the Vocational Education Act of 1946, as amended (20. U. 8. ©., ch. 2; 70 Stat. 1126), and section 202 of said Act (70 Stat. 925), section 4 of the Act of March 10, 1924 (20 U. 8. C. 29), section 1 of the Act of March 3, 1931 (20 U. 8. C. 80), the Act of March 18, 1950 (20 Ro nt 10 11. 12 13 14. 16 ~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 17 U.S. C. 31), and section 9 of the Act of August 1, 1956 (70 Stat. 909), including $4,000,000 for extension and improvement of practical nurse training, and $228,000 for vocational education in the fishery trades and industry in- cluding distributive occupations therein, $33,750,081: Pre- . vided, That the apportionment to the States under section 3 (a), (1), (2), (8), and (4) of the Vocational Educa- tion Act of 1946 shall be computed on the basis of not to exceed $29,267,081 for the current fiscal year: Provided further, That the amount of allotment which States and Territories are not prepared to use may be reapportioned among other States and Territories applying therefor for use in the programs for which the funds were originally apportioned. FURTHER ENDOWMENT OF COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND THE MECHANIC ARTS Hor carrying out the provisions of section 22 of the Act of June 29, 1935, as amended (7 U. 8. OC. 329), $2,501,500. | GRANTS FOR LIBRARY SERVICES Hor grants to the States pursuant to the Act of June 19, 1956, as amended (70 Stat. 293-296, 911) , C109$5;000,- 800 $6,000,000: Provided, That the amount of any State’s allotment from this appropriation which such State certifies H. R. 11645——3 © of VB om om FPF WB DH FH mo ww bY Wb ne a Ss ©& B&B SBS BS 8 &£ &F RF FBR ® DW SF S | 18 will remain unpaid to it on June 30, 1960, may be reallotied by the Commissioner among other States applying therefor in proportion to their rural population, and deemed part of such allotments, except that no State’s allotment shall be so increased as to exceed the allotment which would be made to it were this appropriation equal to the maximum author- ized under such Act. ASSISTANCE FOR SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION For an additional amount for necessary expenses of technical services rendered by other agencies in connection with titles III and IV of the Act of September 23, 1950, as amended (20 U.S. C., ch. 14), (11)8759,000 $850,000, to remain available only until June 30, 1959: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for salaries or other direct expenses of the Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare. SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Office of Education, including surveys, studies, investigations, and reports re- garding libraries; coordination of library service on the national level with other forms of adult education; develop- ment of library service throughout the country; purchase, distribution, and exchange of educational documents, motion- picture films, and lantern slides; and cooperative research, surveys, and demonstrations in education as authorized by 10 11 12 A138 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 19 the Act of July 26, 1954 (20 U. S. ©. 331-332); (12)$7,869,000 $7,850,000, of which not less than $550,- 000 shall be available for the Division of Vocational Educa- tion as authorized. OFFICE OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION GRANTS TO STATES AND OTHER AGENCIES For grants to States and other agencies in accordance . with the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended, (13}$50,600,000 $51,600,000, of which $45,500,000 is for vocational rehabilitation services under section 2 of said Act; $1,500,000 is for extension and improvement projects under section 3 of said Act; and (14}$3,600,000 $4,600,000 is for special projects under section 4 of said Act: Provided, That allotments under section 2 of said Act to the States for the current fiscal year shall be made on the basis of $56,000,000, and this amount shall be considered the sum available for- allotments under such section for such fiscal year. Grants to States, next succeeding fiscal year: For mak- ing, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, grants to States under sections 2 and 3 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended, for the first quarter of the next succeed- ing fiscal year such sums as may be necessary, the obliga- tions incurred and the expenditures made thereunder to be charged to the appropriation therefor for that fiscal year: Provided, That the payments made pursuant to this para- 10 rm 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 graph shall not exceed the amount paid to the States for the first quarter of the current fiscal year. TRAINING AND TRAINEESHIPS For training and traineeships pursuant to section 4 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended, and for carrying out the training functions provided for im section 7 of said Act, $4,800,000. SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended, and of the Act approved June 20, 1936 (20 U. 5. C., ch. 6A), as amended, $1,400,000. . PUBLIO. Haren SERVICE For necessary expenses in carrying out the Public Health Service Act, as amended (42 U. 8. C., ch. 6A) (hereinafter referred to as the Act), and other Acts, includ- ing expenses for active commissioned officers in the Reserve Corps and for not to exceed one thousand nine hundred com- missioned officers in the Regular Corps; and except as other- wise authorized by the Act of September 30, 1950 (20 U. 8. C. 236-244), for expenses of primary and secondary schooling of dependents of Public Health Service personnel stationed in foreign countries, in amounts not to exceed an average of $250 per student, when it is determined by the Secretary that the schools, if any, available in the locality 10 1i 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 ad 22 24 20 21 are unable to provide adequately for the education of such dependents, and for the transportation of such dependents between such schools and their places of residence when the schools are not accessible to such dependents by regular means of transportation; and for the payment of compensa- tion to consultants or individual scientists appointed for limited periods of time pursuant to section 207 (f) or sec- tion 207 (g) of the Act at rates established by the Surgeon General not to exceed $15,000 per annum; as follows: ASSISTANOB TO STATES, GENERAL To carry out the purposes not otherwise specifically pro- vided for, of section 314 (c) of the Act; to provide consulta-._ tive services to States pursuant to section 311 of the Act; to make field investigations and demonstrations pursuant to section 801 of the Act; to provide for collecting and com- piling mortality, morbidity, and vital statistics; to provide traineeships pursuant to section 306 of the Act; and not to exceed $1,000 for entertainment of officials of other countries when specifically authorized by the Surgeon General; (15)$22,000,000 $25,574,000. GRANTS AND SPECIAL STUDIES, TERRITORY OF ALASKA To enable the Surgeon General to conduct, in the Serv- ice, and to cooperate with and assist the Territory of Alaska in the conduct of activities necessary in the investigation, prevention, treatment, and control of diseases, and the estab- a Db Se 8S jek ek mm bo i) nD Ro fem fant bent et bet W Nw fed CS & OO ~l o>) Or RO reg 6 Oo QD OO oO e & Do Oe 22° lishment and maintenance of health and sanitation service pursuant to and for the purposes specified in sections 301, 311, 314 (without regard to the provisions of subsections (d),-(f), (bh), and (j) and the limitations set forth in sub- section (c) of such section), 361, 363, and 371 of the Act, including the hire, operation, and maintenance of aircrait, and the purchase, erection, and maintenance of portable buildings, $2,165,000. CONSTRUCTION, MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES, TERRITORY OF ALASKA - For payments for construction of hospital and other facilities pursuant to section 372 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended (42 U. 8. ©. 274), including expenses incurred in fiscal year 1958 by the Territory of Alaska incident to planning such facilities, $6,500,000, to remain available until June 30, 1960. | CONTROL OF VENEREAL DISEASES To carry out the purposes of section 314 (a) and 363 of the Act with respect to venereal diseases and for grants of money, services, supplies, equipment, and use of facilities to States, as defined in the Act, and with the approval of the respective State health authorities, to counties, health districts, and other political subdivisions of the States, for - venereal disease control activities, in such amounts and upon ao Oo BR Oo oOo a 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ai 22 23 23 such terms and conditions as the Surgeon General may determine; (16)$4,;400,;000 $5,800,000. To carry out the purposes of section 314 (b) of the Act, (17)$8,886;000 $6,886,000, of which not less than (18)$2;000,000 $4,500,000 shall be available only for ‘grants to States, to be matched by an equal amount of State and local funds expended for the same purpose, for direct expenses of prevention and case-finding projects including salaries, fees, and travel of personnel directly engaged in prevention and case-finding and the necessary equipment and supplies used directly in prevention and case-finding opera- tions, but excluding the purchase of care in hospitals and sanatoria. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE ACTIVITIES To carry out, except as otherwise provided for, those provisions of sections 301, 311, and 361 of the Act relating to the prevention and suppression of communicable and pre- ventable diseases, and the interstate transmission and spread thereof, including the purchase, erection, and maintenance of portable buildings; purchase of not to exceed nine pas- senger motor vehicles for replacement only; and hire, main- tenance, and operation of aircraft; (19)$6;200,000 $7,150,000. pol m ww 10 rk 12 13 14 24 (20)EQUIPMENT, COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CENTER For purchase and installation of equipment, not other- wise provided, for the Communicable Disease Center Build- ing, Atlanta, Georgia, $1,700,000, to remain available until June 30, 1960. SANITARY ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES For expenses, not otherwise provided, necessary to carry out those provisions of sections 301, 311, 314 (ce), and 361 of the Act relating to sanitation and other aspects of environ- mental health, ‘including enforcement of applicable quaran- tine laws and interstate quarantine regulations, and for carry- ing out the purposes of the Acts of July 14, 1955 (42 U.S. C. 1857-1857f) , and July 9, 1956 (33 U.S. C. 466- 466d, 466f466k) , including $2,700,000 for grants to States and $300,000 for grants to interstate agencies: purchase of not to exceed nine passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; and the hire, maintenance, and operation of aircraft; (21 3545725.000 $13,315,000, to remain available only until June 30, 1959. GRANTS FOR WASTE TREATMENT WORKS CONSTRUCTION For payments under section 6 of the Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S. C. 466e) , $45,000,000, to remain available only until June 30, 1960: Provided, That allotments under such section 6 for the current fiscal year shall be made on the basis of $50,000,000. 10 i 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 aL 25; GRANTS FOR HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION For payments under parts C and G, title VI, of the Act, as amended, (22)$124,200,000 $2117,200,000, of which (23 $99,000;000 $150,000,000 shall be for payments for hospitals and related facilities pursuant to part C, $1,200,000 shall be for the purposes authorized in section 636 of the Act, and (243$24,000,006 $60,000,000 shall be for pay- ments for facilities pursuant to. part G, as follows: (25)86;500;000 $20,000,000 for diagnostic or treatment centers, (269$6,500;609 $20,000,000 for hospitals for the chronically ill and impaired, (27)$4;006,008 $10,000,000 for rehabilitation facilities, and (289$4,690;000 $20,000,000 for nursing homes(29}+~Previded, Phat allotments under such paris C and G to the several States fer the current fseal year shall be made on the basis ef amounts equal te the limitations specified hereln. | SALARIES AND EXPENSES, HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES For salaries and expenses incident to carrying out title VI of the Act, as amended, (30}$4,300,000 $7,650,000. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL CARE For carrying out the functions of the Public Health Service under the Act of August 8, 1946 (5 U.S. C. 150), (31 )}including $4,866,000 te be available only for payzments for o co “"F 82 Oo SS FH BD bet fom ok Do - © 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 a3 24 26 Dependents Medieal Care Aci (87 B.S. €. chap: 2; and under sections 307, 321, 322, 324, 326, 331, 332, 341, 343, 344, 502, 504, and 810 of the Fublic Health Service Act, Private Law 419 of the Highty-third Congress, as amended, and Executive Order 9079 of February 26, 1942, including purchase and exchange of farm products and livestock; conducting research on technical nursing standards and furnishing consultative nursing services; purchase of not to exceed eleven passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; and purchase of firearms and ammunition; (329$44,- $80,000 $48,730,000, of which $1,000,000 shall be avail- able only for payments to the Territory of Hawaii for care and treatment of person afflicted with leprosy and $330,000 shall be available for construction of buildings at Carville, Louisiana: Provided, That when-the Public Health Service establishes or operates a health service program for any department or agency, payment for the estimated cost shall be made in advance for deposit to the credit of this appro- priation. FOREIGN QUARANTINE ACTIVITIES Hor carrying out the purposes of sections 361 to 369 of the Act, relating to preventing the introduction of communi- cable diseases from foreign countries, the medical examina- tion of aliens in accordance with section 325 of the Act, and the care and treatment of quarantine detainees pursuant to o of DN ®D oO BP &| PD eH a ee ee ee ee mn om FP WwW DS fF OC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 27 section 322 (e) of the Act in private or other public hospi- tals when facilities of the Public Health Service are not available, including insurance of official motor vehicles in ‘foreign countries when required by law of such countries, (83)33;983,000 $4,233,000€@84): Provided, That appro- — priations under this head for fiscal year 1958 are hereby made available for payment of overtime for the period July 1, 1957 to May 2, 1958 computed in accordance with administrative instructions issued November 4, 1957 by the Public Health Service, Division of Foreign Quarantine. (85)Section 3864 (c) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended, 1s amended to read as follows: “(e) The Surgeon General shall fix a reasonable rate of extra compensation for overtime services of employees of the United States Public Health Service, Foreign Quarantine Division, performing overtime duties including the operation of vessels, in connection with the inspection or quarantine treatment of persons (passengers and crews), conveyances, or goods arriving by land, water, or air in the United States or any place subject to the juris- diction thereof, hereinafter referred to as ‘employees of the Public Health Service’, when required to be on duty between the hours of 6 o'clock postmeridian and 6 o'clock antemeridian (or between the hours of 7 o'clock postme- ridian and 7 o’clock antemeridian at stations which have fmm m ow 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 28 a declared workday of from 7 o'clock antemeridian to 7 o'clock posimeridian), or on Sundays or holidays, such rate, in lieu of compensation under any other provision of law, to be fixed at two times the basic hourly rate for each hour that the overtime extends beyond 6 o'clock (or 7 o'clock as the case may be) posimeridian, and two times the basic hourly rate for each overtime hour worked on Sun- days or holidays. As used in this subsection, the term ‘basic hourly rate shall mean the regular basie rate of pay which is applicable to such employees for work performed within their regular scheduled tour of duty.” INDIAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES For expenses necessary to enable the Surgeon General to carry out the purposes of the Act of August 5, 1954 (42 U. S. C. 2001) (including not to exceed $10,000 for temporary services at rates not to exceed $100 per diem for individuals, when authorized by the Surgeon General) ; purchase of not to exceed twenty-five passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; hire of passenger motor vehicles and aireraft; purchase of reprints; payment for telephone service in private residences in the field, when authorized under regulations approved by the Secretary; and the purposes set forth in sections 321, 822 (d), 324 and 509 of the Public Health Service Act; (36}$40,225,000 $45,000,000. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24: 20 29 ' CONSTRUCTION OF INDIAN HEALTH FACILITIES For construction, major repair, improvement, and equip- ment of health and related auxiliary facilities, including quarters for personnel; preparation of plans, specifications, and drawings; acquisition of sites; purchase and erection of portable buildings; and purchase of trailers; (873,424,000 $5,000,000, of which (88}$750;000 $1,750,000 shall be available for the purposes of Public Law 151, 85th Congress, to remain available until June 30, 1960: Provided, That — such expenditures may be made through the Department of the Interior at the option of the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, GENERAL RESEARCH AND SERVICES, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH For the activities of the National Institutes of Health, not otherwise provided for, including research fellowships and grants for research projects and training grants pursuant to section 301 of the Act; regulation and preparation of biologic products, and conduct of research related thereto; and grants of therapeutic and chemical substances for demon- strations and research; €39)$27,742,000 $32,552,000: Provided, That funds advanced to the National Institutes of Health management fund from appropriations included in this Act shall be available for purchase of not to exceed nine- teen passenger motor vehicles, of which fourteen shall be for DS) fed GO oI oO Oo © ss 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a1 22 24. 20 30 replacement only; not to exceed $2,500 for entertainment of visiting scientists when specifically approved by the Surgeon General; and erection of temporary structures(40): Pro- vided further, That all funds herein or hereafter appropri- ated which are expended under any provision of the Act in connection with any research or training project may be | expended pursuant to contracts made on a cost or other basis for supplies and services by negotiations, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, including indemnifica- tion of contractors to the extent and subject to the limitations provided in title 10, United States Code, section 2354, except that approval and certification required thereby shall be by the Surgeon General. NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE To enable the Surgeon General, upon the recommenda- tions of the National Advisory Cancer Council, to make grants-in-aid for research and training projects relating to cancer; to cooperate with State health agencies, and other public and private nonprofit institutions, in the prevention, control, and eradication of cancer by providing consultative services, demonstrations, and grants-in-aid; and to contract on a cost or other basis for supplies and services by negotia- tion, without regard to section 37 09 of the Revised Statutes, in connection with the chemotherapy program, including in- demnification of contractors to the extent and subject to the oe eo nN & GS Se Cf DW DB BD OND OND OND kt et a fr © YD & S © OO RD DO oO B&F WOW NM KF SG 31 limitations provided in title 10, United States Code, section 2354, except that approval and certification required thereby shall be by the Surgeon General; and to otherwise carry out the provisions of title IV, part A, of the Act; (€41}$57%423,000 $81,129,000. MENTAL HEALTH ACTIVITIES For expenses necessary for carrying out the provisions of sections 301, 302, 303, 311, 312, and 314 (c) of the Act with respect to mental diseases, (42)$40;397,000 $55,- 856,000. NATIONAL HEART INSTITUTE For expenses necessary to carry out the purposes of the National Heart Act, (43}$36,242,000 $49,529,000. DENTAL HEALTH ACTIVITIES For expenses not otherwise provided for, necessary to enable the Surgeon General to carry out the purposes of the Act with respect to dental diseases and conditions, (€449$6;548,000 $7,925,000. ARTHRITIS AND METABOLIC DISEASE ACTIVITIES For expenses necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act relating to arthritis, rheumatism, and metabolic diseases, (€459$24,092,000 $34,798,000. ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE ACTIVITIES For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act relating to allergy and a OU ee Go Oo mo x 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24. 32 infectious diseases, (46 }3$4-4,997,000 $26,500,000, of which $150,000 shall be available for payment to the Gorgas Memorial Institute for maintenance and operation of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (47}and $150,000 shall be available for construction of an animal housing facility at Hamilton, Montana, including preparation of plans, super- vision, and fixed equipment. NEUROLOGY AND BLINDNESS ACTIVITIES For expenses necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act relating to neurology and blindness, (48)$24,977,000 $32,250,000. CONSTRUCTION OF DENTAL BRESHARCH BUILDING For construction and equipment of a dental research building as authorized by Public Law 755, Hightieth Con- . gress, as amended, $3,7 00,000, to remain available until June 30, 1960. (49)GEVERAL OFFICE BUILDING For construction of a- general office building at the National Institutes of Health, including related parking facilities, $9,625,000, which shall be consolidated with funds appropriated under this head in the Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1957 (70 Stat. 769), to be disbursed and accounted for as one fund: Provided, That the Surgeon General is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed to the 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 33 appropriate body corporate of the State of Maryland upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe such portion of land presently included in the site of the National Institutes of Health as may be necessary to permit improvement of the street currently designated as Cedar Lane for the distance that such street runs contiguous to such site: Provided fur- ther, That such terms and conditions may include an agree- ment by the Surgeon General to pay on behalf of the United States fifty per centum of the cost of the improvement, but not to exceed $100,000. GRANTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HEALTH RESEARCH PACILITIES Hor grants pursuant to the Health Research Facilities Act of 1956, $30,000,000. OPERATIONS, NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Hor expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to carry out the National Library of Medicine Act (42 U.S. ©. 275), $1,415,000. (50)CONSTRUCTION OF LIBRARY FACILITIES | For construction and equipment of the National Library of Medicine, including furniture, architectural and engineer- ing services, and moving, $6,950,000, which shall be con- solidated with funds appropriated under this head in the Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1957 (70 Stat. 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 20 84 769), to be disbursed and accounted for as one fund: Pro- vided, That these funds shall be available only if a contract jor construction is executed on or before April 30, 1959. RETIRED PAY OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS For retired pay of commissioned officers, as authorized by law, and payments under the Uniformed Services Con- tingency Option Act of 1953, (51jand payments for medical care of dependents and retired personnel under the Depend- ents’ Medical Care Act (87 U.S. C., ch. 7), such amount as may be required during the current fiscal year. SALARIES AND HXPENSES For the divisions and offices of the Office of the Surgeon General and for miscellaneous expenses of the Public Health Service not appropriated for elsewhere, including preparing information, articles, and publications related to public health; and conducting studies and demonstrations in public health methods, $5,260,000. Saint ELIzABETHS HospirTan SALARIES AND UXPENSES For expenses necessary for the maintenance and opera- tion of the hospital, including ‘purchase of one passenger motor vehicle, clothing for patients, and cooperation with organizations or individuals in the scientific research into the nature, causes, prevention and treatment of mental illness, $3,154,000. 10 11 12 13 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 20 35 MAJOR REPAIRS AND PRESERVATION. OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS For miscellaneous construction, alterations, repairs, and equipment, on the grounds of the hospital, including prepa- ration of plans and specifications, advertising, and super- vision of construction, $87,000, to remain available until June 30, 1960. CONSTRUCTION, CONTINUED TREATMENT BUILDING For expenses necessary for the preparation of prelimi- nary plans for a continued treatment building at Saint Elizabeths Hospital, $125,000, to remain available until June 30, 1960. SocraL Sxourrry ADMINISTRATION LIMITATION ‘ON SALARIES AND EXPENSES, BUREAU OF OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE Hor necessary expenses, not more than $133,300,000 may be expended from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund: Provided, That such amounts as are required shall be available to pay the cost of necessary travel incident to medical examinations for verifying disabilities of individuals who file applications for disability determina- tions under title IT of the Social Security Act, as amended. Advances to States, next succeeding fiscal year: For making, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, advances to States under section 221 (e) of the Social Security Act, ao NN OO Oo Be & BO Oe 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 at 23 24 20 36 as amended, for the first quarter of the next succeeding fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary from the above author- ization may be expended from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund. GRANTS TO STATES FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE For grants to States for old-age assistance, aid to de- pendent children, aid to the blind, and aid to the per- manently and totally disabled, as authorized in titles I, IV, X, and XIV of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U.S. ©., ch. 7, subchs. I, TV, X, and XIV), $1,806,400,- 000 of which such amount as may be mebessary shall be available for grants for any period in the prior fiscal year subsequent to March 31 of that year. SALARIHS AND EXPENSES, BUREAU OF PUBLIO ASSISTANCE For expenses necessary for the Bureau of Public Assist- ance, $1,980,000. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, CHILDREN’S BUREAU Hor necessary expenses in carrying out the Act of April 9, 1912, as amended (42 U.S. C., ch. 6), and title V of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U. 8. C., ch. 7, subch. V), including purchase of reports and material for the publications of the Children’s Bureau and of reprints for dis- tribution, $2,000,000: Provided, That no part of any appropriation contained in this title shall be used to promul- gate or carry out any instructions, order, or regulation relat- Pe WwW bd 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 37 ing to the care of obstetrical cases which discriminate between persons licensed under State law to practice obstetrics: Pro- vided further, That the foregoing proviso shall not be so construed as to prevent any patient from having the services of any practitioner of her own choice, paid for out of this fund, so long as State laws are complied with: Provided further, That any State plan which provides standards for professional obstetrical services in accordance with the laws of the State shall be approved. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, WHITH HOUSH CONFERENCE ON CHILDREN AND YOUTH For necessary expenses of preparation for a 1960 White House Conference on Children and Youth, $150,000: Provided, That a conference director may be appomted by the Secretary, without regard to civil service laws and the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, at a salary not to exceed $15,000 per annum. GRANTS TO STATES FOR MATERNAL AND CHILD WELFARE For grants to States for maternal and child-health serv- ices, services for crippled children, and child-welfare services as authorized in. title V, parts 1, 2, and 3, of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U. 8. C., ch. 7, subch. V), (529$42,590,0008 $43,500,000, of which $15,000,000 shall be available for services for crippled children, $16,500,000 for maternal and child-health services, and (539$44,000,000 m w nD 10 u 12 13 44 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 88 $12,000,000 for child-welfare services: Provided, That any allotment to a State pursuant to section 502 (b) or 512 (b) of such Act shall not be included in computing for the pur- poses of subsections (a) and (b) of sections 504 and 514 of such Act an amount expended or estimated to be expended by the State: Provided further, That $1,000,000 of the amount available under section 502 (b) of such Act shall be used only for special projects for mentally retarded children. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, OFFICH OF THE COMMISSIONER Hor expenses necessary for the Office of the Commis- sioner of Social Security, $314,000, together with not to exceed $246,000 to be transferred from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund. | Grants to States, next succeeding fiscal year: For mak- ing, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, payments to States under titles I, IV, V, X, and XIV, and section 705 of title VII, respectively, of the Social Security Act, as amended, for the first quarter of the next succeeding fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary, the obligations in- curred and the expenditures made thereunder for payments under each of such titles to be charged to the appropriation therefor for that fiscal year. In the administration of titles I, IV, V, X, and XIV, respectively, of the Social Security Act, as amended, pay- Do oe ww 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 39 ments to a State under any of such titles for any quarter in the period beginning April 1 of the prior year, and ending June 30 of the current year, may be made with respect to a State plan approved under such title prior to or during such period, but no such payment shall be made with respect to any plan for any quarter prior to the quarter in which such plan was submitted for approval. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY SALARIHS AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Office of the Secretary, $1,809,000, together with not to exceed $263,000 to be transferred from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, OFFICE OF FIELD ADMINISTRATION For expenses necessary for the Office of Field Adminis- tration, $2,358,000, together with not to exceed $702,000 to be transferred from the Federal old-age and survivors Insurance trust fund. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL For expenses necessary for the Office of the General Counsel, $505,000, together with not to exceed $25,000 to be transferred from the appropriation “Salaries and ex- Bm OO BD bt 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 40 penses, certification and inspection services”, and not. to exceed $450,000 to be transferred from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fond. SURPLUS PROPERTY UTILIZATION Hor expenses necessary for carrying out the provisions of subsections 203 (j), (k), (n), and (0), of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, relating to disposal of real and personal excess property for educational purposes, civil defense purposes, and protection of public health, $632,000. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 202. Appropriations under this title available for salaries and expenses shall be available for payment in ad- vance for dues or fees for library membership in organiza- tions whose publications are available to members only or to members at a price lower than to the general public. Src. 203. Appropriations under this title available for | salaries and expenses shall be available for travel expenses and for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the functions or activities for which such appropriations are made. Src. 204. Appropriations under this title available for co 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4l salaries and expenses shall be available for uniforms or allowances therefor as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U. 8. C. 2131). Sec. 205. None of the funds appropriated by this title to the Social Security Administration for grants-in-aid of State agencies to cover, in whole or in part, the cost of operation of said agencies, including the salaries and ex- penses of officers and employees of said agencies, shall be withheld from the said agencies of any States which have established by legislative enactment and have in operation a merit system and classification and compensation plan covering the selection, tenure in office, and compensation of their employees, because of any disapproval of their personnel or the manner of their selection by the agencies of the said States, or the rates of pay of said officers or employees. Seo. 206. The Secretary is authorized to make such transfers of motor vehicles, between bureaus and offices, without transfer of funds, as may be required in carrying out the operations of the Department. (54)8re: 20% Nene of the funds provided herein shall be used to pay any recipient of a grant fer the conduet of » dO m Ww 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a2 23 24 42. researeh preieet an amoant for medircet expenses a connee- fien with such project in excess of 15 per contum of the direet C5}SEC. 208. Any appropriation available for the pay and allowances of commissioned officers of the Public Health Service may be utilized for the payment of claims as author- ized by the Act of September 2, 1957 (71 Stat. 575). This title may be cited as the “Department of Health, Edueation, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1959”. TITLE TIL—-NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD SALARIES AND EXPENSES Hor expenses necessary for the National Labor Relations Board to carry out the functions vested in it by the Labor- Management Relations Act, 1947 (29 U.S. C. 141-167), and other laws, includmg expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Board when specifically authorized by the Chairman or the General Counsel; and uniforms, or allowances therefor, as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U. 8, C. 2131); (569595884,806 $13,100,000: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be available to organize or assist in organ- izing agricultural laborers or used in connection with investi- gations, hearings, directives, or orders concerning bargaining © © QB Oo mH FF DO DO HH. fet fw fomh fk fh -m © NM & © 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 43 units composed of agricultural laborers as referred to in section 2 (3) of the Act of July 5, 1935 (29 U. &. C. 152), and as amended by the Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947, and as defined in section 3 (f) of the Act of June 25, 1988 (29 U.S. ©. 203), and including in said definition employees engaged in the maintenance and operation of ditches, canals, reservoirs, and waterways when maintained or operated on a mutual, nonprofit basis and at least 95 per centum of the water stored or supplied thereby is used for farming purposes. TITLE IV-NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the National Mediation Board, $520,000. ARBITRATION AND EMERGENCY BOARDS For expenses necessary for arbitration boards established under section 7 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U. 8 ©. 157), and emergency boards appointed by the President pursuant to section 10 of said Act (45 U.S. C. 160) , $250,000. NATIONAL RAILROAD ADJUSTMENT BOARD SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the National Railroad Ad- justment Board, $525,000, of which not less than $172,000 © CO - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 4A. shall be available for compensation (at rates not im excess of $75 per diem) and expenses of referees appointed pur- suant to- section! 3 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended. TITLE V—-RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD LIMITATION ON SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Railroad Retirement Board, including expenses of attendance at meetings con- cerned with the work of the Board, when specifically author- ized by the Board; and uniforms or allowances therefor, as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954 (68 Stat. 1114) ; $8,450,000, to be derived from the railroad retire- ment account. | TITLE VI—FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CON- CILIA TION SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Service to carry out the functions vested in it by the Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947 (29 U.S. C. 171-180, 182), including expenses of the Labor-Management Panel as-provided in section 205 of said Act; expenses of boards of inquiry appointed by the President pursuant to section 206 of said Act; temporary employment of arbitrators, conciliators, and mediators on labor relations at rates not in excess of $75 per diem; Gov- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 45 ernment-listed telephones in private residences and private apartments for official use in cities where mediators are offi- cially stationed, but no Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service office is maintained; expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with labor and industrial relations; - (5T7)$3,650;000 $3,695,000. TITLE VII—INTERSTATE COMMISSION ON THE POTOMAC RIVER BASIN CONTRIBUTION TO INTERSTATE COMMISSION ON THE POTOMAC RIVER BASIN To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay in ad- vance to the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin the Federal contribution toward the expenses of the Commission during the current fiscal year in the adminis- tration of its business in the conservancy district established pursuant to the Act of July 11, 1940 (54 Stat. 748), $5,000. TITLE VILII—UNITED STATES SOLDIERS’ HOME LIMITATION ON OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AND | OAPITAL OUTLAY For maintenance and operation of the United States Soldiers’ Home, to be paid from the Soldiers’ Home perma- nent fund (58) $5,256,000 $5,299,500, of which $434,630 co oO ~] oS Ou ~ o bd fond pee beet a) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 46 shall remain available until June 30, 1960, for construction of buildings and facilities, including plans and specifications: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for the payment of hospitalization of members of the Home in United States Army hospitals at rates in excess of those pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Army, upon the recommen- dation of the Board of Commissioners of the Home and the Surgeon General of the Army. TITLE TX—GENERAL PROVISIONS Sxo. 901. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes not authorized by the Congress. Src. 902. Appropriations contained in this Act, avail- able for salaries and expenses, shall be available for services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. 8. ©. 55a) €59)and for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the function or activity for which any such appropriation is made. (60 )SHe- 903; Advances to States for the frst quarter of the nest succeeding fiseal year; as authorized im this Act; shall net exeeed the sum so advanced for the respeetire programs 47 1 This Act may be cited as the “Departments of Labor, 2 and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 3 1959.” | Passed the House of Representatives March 27, 1958. Attest: _ RALPH R. ROBERTS, Clerk, Passed the Senate with amendments June 20, 1958. Attest: FELTON M. JOHNSTON, Secretary.