THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE WASHINGTON i 6 ae LCSPD > 3 a i Miele oh fl ge eyedcn gory ch Bhan gem ty Woes TEA otad A o dots GL dis he a Ay eye ad ty a egos - As the research grant and train i nature of the grants must change. Lerger “grant defined research and training will be called for. = Base — sbs must be ees bO echca echools, to imerease their capacity to ye and functions more e! Lay unless gpeciiic aS BE Hs ys _ a on “ively. i TERS C 1 probably not oe ie efee stabusory the general In my judgnent, these are sound vie usions of the a ilosophy and conelu these Judgients extended perlod by pro ogressive ey YN os ent the outcome of careful and competent men does, I think, ONSLGSTRsIOCH o Q Se a ft is clear thet the imereases | the steoLe growth - rete recomended by ‘ s question the commitment of the consultants to a policy of optimun ane ane a med, eal wesean athe (ne el quest fon, rather, is how rapidly nedical et Ler sadn on & sound em gone tiruckave yes the 7 A aoe, 5 ‘ end. worth male Bhow at se 1g a oe Le guttic rese 0 Ly ail the 4 proje a a rvonrLae- ed ions e to the extent che quality cy of coer than neec high standards of the ectiLous and ecruny lls are ne’ vcurelly vader Increased OYOVEa DEG dects | or lower quelitye I am greatly ¢ eoncemed - , G&S e increase of the mitude voted by the Senate would lead, to ser s Gifficuivies along these Lines. { alse believe ‘$he ‘ Ss G fas Hea nth, As you know, we depend heavily up on members of these study sections and councils to neintal 13 high standards © of rese arch ¢ through their careful Ghe aie OB. preview of ell projects Lebed to - ae racent Vears woich has ee ; eine st all o er he avy ee gad wel propose tae a3 ne Eh WL & Peale (aL ee