January 4, 1947. Dear Aime: I have written to each Democratic member of the Committee on Ways and Means to acquaint them with my desire to be assigned to the Committee on Appropriations. Some of the members I have talked to personally as well as having written to them. In my letter I explained that I was originally elected to the 77th Congress that I have been elected to membership in each subsequent Congress. I pointed out that I sought membership on the Appropriations Committee at the beginning of my second term in the House but stepped aside at the request of the then Majority Leader. This was in the interests of party harmony. At that time James W. Curley of Boston was assigned to Appropriations to look after the interests of the New England region. The Hon. Herman P. Koppleman of Connecticut, who served on the Appropriations Committee during the 79th Congress failed of re-election in November last so that now New England has no member of our Party on this important Committee. I am starting my seventh year in Congress and I want to put to the best possible use the experience which I have gained. I know I can count on your help and for that I am deeply grateful. Wishing you the best of everything in 1947 and with my warm personal regards, I am, Sincerely, John E. Fogarty, MC