82n CONGRESS ist Srssion . 3339 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marcx 20, 1951 Mr. Foearry introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce To provide for a survey of sickness in the United States. Whereas the latest information on the number of persons in the | country suffering from such diseases as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis, and other disabling diseases, injuries, and handicapping conditions is now fifteen years old and seriously out-of-date; and Whereas such information is urgently needed for (1) an ap- praisal of the true state of health of our citizens, and (2) for the effective planning of any programs to improve their health, and (3) for research in the field of chronic diseases, and (4) for an evaluation of the impact of long illness upon the economic status of families with members so afflicted, and (5) for measurement of the numbers of persons in the working ages so disabled as to be unable to perform gainful work: Therefore o mom HS DB Or FP WO WD & DD eh eet eh et ®& ©€& 8 8S F&F FS & & F&A KR DW DYE SG 2 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service in the Federal Security Agency is authorized and directed (1) to make a survey of the population of the United States by the most reliable means, to determine, (a) the number, age, sex, ability to work, and usual occupation of persons afflicted with chronic or other disease or injury or handi- capping condition; (b) the type of disease or injury of each person so afflicted; (c) the length of time that each such person has been prevented from carrying on his usual occupation or activities; and (2) to report to the Congress, within twelve months after the date of enactment of this Act, the results of such survey. ‘Sxo. 2. To assist in carrying out the provisions of this Act, the Administrator of the Federal Security Agency, on the request of the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, shall request the cooperation of the State health departments in the various States, and other Federal, State, and local government agencies. The Surgeon General may consult with nongovernmental associations and experts in planning the survey and preparing the required report. SEC. 8. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums, not exceeding in the aggregate $750,000, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.