i ie ‘TOM CONNALLY, TEX., CHAIRMAN WALTER F. GEORGE, GA. ROBERT F. WAGNER, N. Y. ELBERT D. THOMAS, UTAH JAMES E. MURRAY, MONT. CLAUDE PEPPER, FLA. . THEODORE FRANCIS GREEN, R. I. ALBEN W. BARKLEY, KY. JOSEPH F. GUFFEY, PA. JAMES M. TUNNELL, DEL. CARL A. HATCH, N. MEX. LISTER HILL, ALA. SCOTT W. LUCAS, ILL. CT ARTHUR CAPPER, KANS. ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTE, JR., WiS. ARTHUR H. VANDENBERG, MICH. WALLACE H. WHITE, JR., MAINE sfiees eriocrs, Ni Wnited States Senate JAN GURNEY, f Od COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ‘ i i : : i October 23, 1946 fe mv, gayh! Honorable John FE. Fogarty Harmony, Rhode Island Dear Mr. Fogarty: Since the end of August I have covered states on the Pacific Coast, in the Middle West, in New England, in the border states, as well as in the South, and I am convinced by every thing I have seen that we can and will win again a Democratié Congress by a good margin. It is now becoming clear to the people that the Republicans have no program - nothing but captious criticism, climbing aboard any passing disturbance. I think the people are now seeing through the Republicans’ propaganda campaign and realize that it comes from the same old crowd who has been fighting us ever since “oosevelt came to the Presidency. I have found an overwhelming sentiment among the people to retain and to extend the gains of the Democratic administration both at home and abroad. The people realize that not to keep a Democratic Congress means a disaster for them and for the country. That, in my opinion, accounts for the enormous regis— tration all over the country and the growing intensity of interest in the campaign. So, there is every reason for encouragement instead of discour- agement. I thought you would not mind my passing on these observations to you because of the many things to the contrary we read in the press and in some of the polls. I am convinced that the people are with us and if we can really fight in the closing days of this campaign we can and will win a Democratic Congress with a good working majority for the party and a great victory on November 5th. My very best wishes to you in your own campaign and king regards to you personally. Always sincerg Ud V Feper—