From The Office of Representative Ralph W. Gwinn 27th Congressional District, New York Old House Office Building Washington, De Ce Monday, June 13, 19h)9 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE? Representative Ralph W. Gwinn of the 27th Congressional District, New York, ranking minority member of the House Subcommittee on Education, today made public a letter from General Dwight D. Eisenhower, president of Columbia Uni~ versity, New York. President Eisenhower's letter expresses his views in opposi- tion to certain proposed Federal aid-to~education legislation. A ccpy of the letter is attached. The House Subcommittee on Education concluded hearings on Federal aid legislation last week. Jn placing President Eisenhower's letter in the Committee's record of hearings today, Congressman Gwinn had this comment to makes "More and more educatoi's have begun to voice the fear that Federal subsidies to the States for general school purposes will mean eventual federal~ ization of our public education systems. : ‘Now we have heard from the president of one of the great educational institutions in the world, Columbia University. Moreover, the value of General Eisenhower's statement is enhanced by the vast knowledge he has derived from a successful and honorable career in the service of his country. He knows government as few people do. He recognises its values as well as its dangers. Also, having fought the good fight against tyranny, General Eisenhower knows how precious freedom is to mankind, "T believe every American will be stirred by President Eisenhower's letter as T have been, I trust it will give every teacher, every educator, every school board member and every parent a renewed sense of the responsi- bility each bears toward making our American education system strong and keep- ing it free."