May 18, 1957 Dear Mr. Fogarty: The two highlights of the Tenth World Health Assembly to date have been your address to the plenary session, in which you extended the invitation to hold the Eleventh World Health Assembly in the United States, and the election of the United States by overwhelming majority as one of the countries which can designate a member of the Executive Board. Also worthy of note was the award of the Darling Foundation Prize to Dr. Paul F. Russell, probably the most outstanding malariologist in the United States if not the world, for his technical contributions to the control and eradication of malaria. I enclose brief write-ups of these items. The United States Delegation has been participating actively in the discussions, especially in the two main Committees on Program and Budget, and on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters. The contributions of members of our Delegation to the discussion of the activities of WHO in 1956 have been of a highly quality, and in my opinion truly reflect the caliber and effectiveness of the Delegation which we have at this Assembly. A summary of some of these statements made so far is also enclosed. We are now at the height of the debate on the budget level for 1958, and it is too soon to forecast the outcome. It looks as though there is strong pressure from many delegations for a budget level higher than the United States position of $12,000,000. However, your references in the plenary to United States support for orderly expansion of WHO has helped us, and should influence the outcome. Mr. Wolverton has made a statement on the United States radio today which will be broadcast in the United States and many other countries. I believe it may be of interest to you, and enclose a copy. We have prepared a short statement of comments on the Assembly, which I enclose in case in may be of help to you on your return to the United States. It is in the form of remarks in your name, which you could use as a release if you think appropriate. I should like to take this opportunity to say, for myself and on behalf of the Delegation and the Public Health Service, how glad we are that you were able to join the Delegation, and to participate so effectively in the proceedings of the Assembly. We appreciate your being able to come here for the Assembly and your interest in international health activities and their implications for the United States. May you and your wife have a most pleasant trip across the Atlantic. Sincerely yours, Leroy E. Burney