August 17, 2015 Dear John, This is just a note to tell you of my own deep concern about the House appropriations bill on economic assistance which I believe is coming up before the appropriations committee soon. I wanted to come over and talk with you just about it before leaving town today but there was just no chance to do so. During the last year I have been doing a great deal of traveling in all the areas of the world where we have major economic assistance programs and I have just returned from a trip to South America. It is my opinion that the aid program has never been such a vital instrument of our foreign affairs as it is at this moment. The Soviet Union because of its huge armament program and other activities has been forced in some instances to slow down its economic programs. Moreover, in several areas of the world performance has been wobbly in the extreme. We have learned a lot from our past mistakes in the last few years and we now have the opportunity to cash in on some of the lessons we have learned from the Soviet Union's fumbling and ineptness. The program now has good management standards and its criteria are constantly improving. We also are getting better people both overseas and in Washington. I earnestly hope the Appropriations Committee will come up with enough money to allow us to do the job. In my opinion, this should not be far from the amount in the Authorizations Bill. I am not writing to anyone else on the Committee, but I wanted you to know my own personal observations. I feel that this program is of crucial importance at this point. Looking forward to seeing you in September, With my warmest regards, Sincerely, [handwritten] Chet P.S. Since I expect to be away for two or three weeks, if you have any questions on the program I hope you will give Fred Dutton a ring.