I don't think it is asking too much to insist that you attribute to Congressman Fogarty at least ordinary honesty of purpose. The Journal is not intelligently fulfilling its function as a newspaper when it attributes false motives to any man fin public office without a careful examination of all the facts. Congressman Fogarty has entered the service as an enlisted man. He has not accepted a commission; but has entered what we all know is one of the toughest branches of the armed forces. His life will be that of an enlisted man. His associations will be with enlsited men. His pay will be that of an enlisted man ~ and he will learn the hard way, just what is going on. The Congressman is a member of the Ho ttee on Naval Affairs. The newspapers have just recently carried tie st that this Committee has left the Capitol for an extended tour Pacific Theatre of War. Congressman y this Committee and in so doing he Fogarty could very well have gone would have enjoyed the usual surro } 8 of such committee tours. His associates would have been top-ranking per and the knowledge he gained as a member of that committee would been the result of a carefully conducted tour, At _ the same time, while on sudii a tour he could not have been present in his office, and he would have been drawing his salary of Ten Thousand Dollars a year. The Congressman passed up this opportunity. Had he taken advantage of it I hazard the guess you would have had no word of comment. In its stead he chose the hard way. That he will learn a lot during his service with the CBs there is no denying. He will have an opportunity to learn at first hand the enlisted man's problems. He will have an opportunity to learn the truth or falsehood of the many and varied charges and counter-charges about supplies, ~2< efficiency, etc. which have us all worried day in and day out. In the 79th Congress the Second District of Rhode Island will have in Congressman Fogarty aman far better able to provide honest and intelligent leadership. Your reference to the Congressman's office during his absence from Washington is farcical ~ coming as it does from a supposedly great paper. The Congressman has pointed out thatnhis office will remain open. His office has always been at the service of anyone who had occasion to call for assistance ~ in any sort of problem. That the same attitude will continue to prevail there is no doubt. The citizens of the Second Congressional District can feel confident that they will continue to receive the same tic consideration from Congressman Fogarty's office until such t: as ill return to render a report on his experiences ~ a report o) for one am confident will be honest and enlightening.