CONGRESSMAN COMES CALLING Front row, (lL to r.), Dr. Johnwick, Mr. Fogarty, Dr. Wolcott, and Resident Dentist DOr. Breaux. Back row, (I. to r.), Dr. Nelson, Hospital Administrator pee a Frank Ellis, Chief Nurse Sister Alphonsa, Dr. William Meyer of New Orleans, and T.H. Rickman, Jr. The visit of Congressman John Ed- ward Fogarty to this hospital November 8 was conspicuous for its lack of fanfare, but it is to be hoped that his visit her- alds a new era in legislative interest 1m Carville. Mr. Fogarty, of Rhode Island and a Democrat, is chairman of the House Subcommittee on Appropriations. It is a source of reassurance to the patient body here that the hospital now “has the ear” of 2 man in such a key position. Tt had been expected that Mr. Fogarty and several of his committee members would visit the hospital before the year was out, but only Mr. Fogarty came. He explained that it is very difficult for a group such as his to get together for a trip of this nature. During the visit, Dr, Edgar B. Johnwick, Medical Officer in Charge, and members of the hospital staff presented to Mr. Fogarty a list of the hospital’s needs for research, train- ing, health education and new con- struction, beyond the resources of the present budget for 1959 and 1969. Included in the construction needs were 10 new cottages for patient couples. Dr. Johnwick said, along with staif quarters which became obsolete in 1921. Mr. Fogarty was brought to Carville by Dr. John Wilson, Medical Officer in Charge of the Public Health Service Hospital, in New Orleans. Dr. Wilson sat in on the various meetings with Mr. Fogarty. At the Congressman’s request he met briefly with the Executive Committee of the Patient Federation and the editor of THE STAR. The meeting was not announced beforehand to the patient group and for that reason they had no opportunity to prepare for the discus- sion. It was on the instructions of the Public Health Service, from the Wash- ington level, that no publicity was given the visit until Mr. Fogarty himself had approved such releases to the press. It is however, appreciated that Mr. Fogarty extended the courtesy of the conference to the Federation’s officers and THE STAR. Even when called THE STAR immediately prior to the meeting, the patient group was not told the purpose of the meeting or who would be present. They were told it would be a surprise it was! Mr. Fogarty’s interest in the hospital here stems from two factors. One is his abiding interest in medical research in general and the other is the acquaint- ance of Rep. Otto Passman of Monroe, La., who has sharpened Mr. Fogarty’s appetite for knowledge of this hospital. Again, Rep. Passman has demonstrated his sincere interest in this hospital and the patients here. Mr. Fogarty began his legislative ca- reer in the 77th Congress of the United States and has taken part in all sessions since that time. He is a resident of Harmony, R. L, and a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Elks, and the Eagles. Mr. Fogarty began as a_ brick- layer and is a past president of the Bricklayer’s Union. He is one very im- portant bricklayer that this hospital can be glad to have for an ally. November- December