May 22, 1951 Dear Mr. Fogarty: I am enclosing a clipping from the Washington Post of February 24th, which may have been the basis for Mr. Keefe's concern about possible diversion of our Clinical Center to other uses. As I reported to your secretary last Friday, following your telephone request to Doctor Sebrell, we feel this whole business is rumor and, naturally, will take the strongest possible stand against any such diversion. I, for example, heard Commissioner Reynolds at a social gathering remark that the Clinical Center building would provide a large amount of space, and he inquired whether we would be able to utilize it. He was assured that the space was badly needed and would be utilized, and that is our firm position. e surely appreciate your interest and support. We feel it would be a tragic miscarriage of judgment to diver this badly needed facility to purposes other than those for which it was planned and constructed. Very sincerely yours, [handwritten] Palmer Dearing Acting Surgeon General