Che Spesher’s Rooms House of Representatives UH. S. Washington, B. C. September 25, 1944 Honorable John E. Fogarty House of Representatives Dear John; I am writing you at the close of the Second Session of the 78th Congress, which will always be one of the most outstanding in the history cof our country. Great and far-reaching things have been done seeking a unified home front to support a unified battle front. These accomplishments are helping tremendously to win on every battle front. I write to say to you that your part as a Representative from your state in this has been intelligent, patriotic and outstanding. In addi- tion to this, your splendid work on the important Committee on Naval Affairs and on the Special Committee on Post-War Economic Policy and Planning has also been greatly helpful in solving difficult problems arising in times like these. I congratulate you on your splendid record and thank you for your cooperation. You have served well and deserve well of your home people. With best wishes, I am