Draft Dear Dr. Rathbone: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss further my expression of concern about the support of medical research, particularly as it relates to NIH. It may not, perhaps, be appreciated by those not close to the situation that less than 20 percent of the funds that are in the NIH appropriation in a fiscal year go to support research activities carried on at Bethesda and at the Institutes‘ associated field stations. By far the major portion of the funds in the NIH appropriation is earmarked for research programs awarded through grants to universities, endowed institutions, research institutes, hospitals, and other nonfederal organizations. The monies made available to these institutions are for the support not only of research projects but of training activities and for the construction of research facilities. While this support has made it possible for the medical research strength of our country to be greatly augmented, in terms of the actual needs of the country, many of us in Congress believe the funds made available thus far are indeed inadequate for a country as great as ours. Because of your inquiry regarding the types of research and the record of achievement of our medical scientists, I am sure you will find the enclosed copy of Research Highlights of no little interest. These Highlights include both the research oe 2- studies supported by the NIH through the administration of funds to non-Government institutions as well as some of the projects conducted directly by the NIH staff. Over the years the progress made by our American scientists is quite impressive and even in a single year the achievement in both basic and applied research is a source of pride to us all. In the Research Highlights you will notice achievements such as-- -- the development of a method for detecting cancer cells in human whole blood, the development of a needle-like probe to help in the detection of brain tumors, -- the development of a method for relieving angina pectoris by stripping the plugged-up lining of arteries, -- the development of a method for detecting abnormal openings between the right and left heart with Kryton 85, -- the discovery of two new viruses (designated HA), responsible for certain respiratory illnesses, -- the development of an improved tuleremia vaccine, -- the clinical studies on additional new synthetic steroids, more potent than Hydrocortisone and Prednisone, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, -- better treatment for gout through the use of Zoxazolemine (Flexin), -- the development of a pain-killing drug at least 10 times more powerful than morphine, «3-6 -- the studies on a new drug (Imipramine), structurally related to a tranquilizer, and showing promise in the treatment of depression, etc. | I have merely flagged several of the projects that are included in the Research Highlights ‘compendium. There will be, undoubtedly, others that will be, because of your medical back~- ground, of equal or greater interest to you. Again may I thank you for your expression of interest in the NIH intramural and extramural activities. Sincerely yours, John E. Fogarty