Honorable John Fogarty, Chairman House Subcommittee on Appropriaticns House Office Building Washington 25 D. C. Dear Congressman Fogarty: I refer to the hearings before your Subcommittee on April 9th, as teported in the NEW YORK TIMES on April 25th, wherein Dr. Pearce Bailey, of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness of the National Institutes of Health, related the "remarkable pheriomenon" of killing 10 tionkeys with radio waves and of the recovery “over a period of time" of 10 others subjected to limited exposure, Dr. Bailey justified this activity with some interestingly vague reasons, the most notable of which was “scientists do not know what the exact significance of this experiment is, but its implica- tions may (underscore mine) prove to be far reaching". It seems to me that the limit has now been reached by the sickness scare specialists and it also is now clear that in their tenacious determin- ation to drain the U. S. Treasury of additional billions of dollars the NIH has lost all reason and will resort to any extreme of sensationalism to overawe. and overwhelm the gentlemen of Congress. This "shock treatment" approach to your Subcommittee represents, in my opinion, highly professionalized and subtle jnsolence, casting serious reflection upon the intelligence and judgment of every single member by relying upon the stark suffering of animals as a basis for the desired funds. Research has loudly and long proclaimed its observance of humane standards; yet the NIH arrogantly described in detail the agonized reactions of the monkeys used in this experiment. Aside from sadism, the only possible motivation for outlining to the last detail the suffering of the animals was. to impress your Subcommittee with this suffering. It mst be emphasized in strongest terms that the suffering of experimental animals has never in history produced a particle of scientific knowledge, : The callousness and cruelty of the NIH, condoned by the Department “ of Health, Education & Welfare, is now a matter of public record. Asa tax payer, I demand that this Agency be denied any further monies from the U. S. Treasury for experimentation on living and sentient creatures until such time as it is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of all that it hus the ability and willingness to administer these tax monies in line with moral decency. Nery truly yours, . LE ty Ee ee