DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE e BETHESDA 14, MD. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OCT 8 4958 Dear Mr. Fogarty: We have reviewed the letter from Mr. Mahon to you concerning his intense interest in leukemia and his desire to be informed of progress in research of this condition. It occurs to me that material which Dr. Heller prepared as @ memorandum to the Surgeon General and incorporated in a letter from Dr. Burney to Mr. Mahon reflects accurately the general situation concerning research in leukemia. The present intense interest in the relationship between viruses and cancer focuses attention upon the possibility that leukemia may be caused by a viral agent. Many investigators are engaged in research on this facet of cancer and much fine work is now in progress, I am pleased to report. In accordance with the request by the Congress for special attention to virology, we are confident that more and better progress will be apparent in the months to come. I am sending along a draft which you may wish to consider as a reply to Mr. Mahon's letter. “|| sincerely yours, Na wer Blau vs — Director Hon. John E. Fogarty , House of Representatives Washington 25, D. Cs Enclosures s Fusl™ Qe 7} f al? : Go oor SUGGESTED REPLY Dear Mr. Mahon: The substance of your letter of September 19 has been brought to the attention of Dr. Shannon and his staff at the National Insti- tutes of Health. They inform me that a recent memorandum concerning the status of leukemia research was prepared by Dr. Heller, Director of the National Cancer Institute, for the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service for transmission to you. Probably by this time you have this memorandum and it seems to me to set forth the current situation as viewed by the National Institutes of Health. As you are aware, I am intensely interested in accelerating research in cancer and from all I learn, there is real hope in the next few years for a breakthrough in knowledge of the cause and treat- ment of leukemia. At the same time however, we must be prepared to expect that research in this area will require the utmost in patience, effort and imagination before we can expect to have answers which can be translated in terms of saving human lives. 1 aii—good-wishes : fa prianw~; Aa VAs f ¢ Sincerely yours, Lf f Sa John E. Fogarty