GEORGE MAHON MEMBER OF 19TH Dist. TEXAS COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS g Congress of the Anited States Bouse of Representatives Washington, B. C. Room 217 Post Office Building Lubbock, Texas September 19, 1958 Honorable John Fogarty House of Representatives Washington, D. C. Dear John: A couple of friends from my area are in my office at this time. They are discussing with me the possibility of a tremendously accelerated program for research which might bring the answer to the cause and cure of leukemia. One of these friends has lost a sixteen-year old boy as a result of leukemia and the other friend has leukemia in the family. One of these friends tells me that a prominent physician at Wadley Research Institute in Dallas made the following statement: "that it would probably take the illness and perhaps death of a prominent person with leukemia to focus sufficient attention on leukemia to get the necessary fin- ancing to do the research job which is necessary," or words to that effect. Now, I know that you have been in the forefront in the fight for adequate funds for research and I have much faith and confidence in your judgment. I do not know what we are doing about leukemia through the Public Health Service or elsewhere, but I just wanted to call this matter to your attention. I would like to have you drop me a note in re- gard to the overall situation. If there is anything that any of us can do to accelerate the solution to this dread disease I know we want to do it. Please give me your best thinking. Hope you are having a little rest occasionally. Every good wish. ¥ friend, ont ies