DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ® BETHESDA 14, MD. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH September 23, 1957 Dear John: This is in answer to your inquiry relative to the possibility that your friend might profitably seek radiation therapy for the clearing up of a chronic sinus condition. Radiation has been used in the past for such a purpose but not with uniform success, At the present time there is no ability to dis- tinguish those who will benefit from those who will not. The best advice I can give, on the basis of fairly extensive discussions, is to hold this form of therapy as a last resort. If the chronic sinus con- dition is truly disabling and if a variety of therapeutic approaches have been completely without success then I would recommend that he seek competent advice from a therapeutic radiationist. Radiation as such is not without hazard, Apart from building up the exposure of an individual, it produces a certain amount of tissue change that is not desirable, At the present time there is no research activity of a systen- atic nature going on in this field, that I know of. The very fact that such therapy has not been systematically studied is in part due to the highly variable results which have been experienced by radi- ationists in the past. I am sorry I cannot be of more definitive help to you. Sincerely yours, * Someones James A, Shannon, M. D. Director Hon, John E, Fogarty House of Representatives Washington 25, D. C.