SIDNEY R. YATES 9TH DisT., ILLINOIS COMMITTEES: APPROPRIATIONS SELECT COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS Congress of the Gnited States House of Representatives Washington, DB. €. June 30, 1961 DEMOCRATIC WHIP, ZONE 14 STRAUSS, Mrs. Lucille Honorable John Fogarty House of Representatives Washington, D. C. Dear John: I am enclosing the letter I have just received from Mrs. Lucille Strauss, a resident of my district at the Pearson Hotel, 190 East Pearson Street, Chicago 11, Illinois, concerning research funds for diabetic children. I agree with Mrs. Strauss that the problem is a serious One which deserves attention and T have told her that I am referring the letter to you with the hope that you may be able to arrange for a grant for research for the purpose. With kindest regards, Gets ~ / ere SYDNEY R. YarES Member of Congress SRY: js2