December 6, 1958 Dear Ed: Thanks for very much for your kind congratulatory message on my re-election to the Congress. Please be assured that I am most appreciative of everything that you did during the campaign. I have delayed answering your letter until I was able to get together some information regarding the eligibility of the Hope Valley Ambulance Squad to receive surplus property and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare have informed that the following requirements are necessary: (a) The squad must be affiliated with a hospital or clinic. (b) The squad must be approved by the Civil Defense Unit. Later I talked with James Madden up at the State who administers the program here in Rhode Island and he tells me that Captain David C. Jordan down there is the person you should see to obtain approval of the Civil Defense Unit and that the Volunteer Fire Association in Hope Valley already has much approval. After you have talked with David Jordan, Ed, if you feel there is anything further I can do please let me know. With every warmest wish in the holiday season, and thanks again. Sincerely yours, John E. Fogarty P.S. Enclosed is a copy of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act which you may wish to read.