Remarks by Congressman John Fogarty, Congressional Advisor to the United States Delegation to the 14th World Health Assembly, New Delhi, on February 9, 1961. Mr. President: I thank the Chairman of the United States Delegation for his friendly and flattering words of introduction. I join with him in extending thanks to the Government of India and congratulating the people of India on the progress of health in this great nation. It has been my privilege to work closely with Dr. Burney for some years in health programs in the United States. I know that you who elected him President three years ago are aware of the splendid leadership he has given to public health at home and abroad. I am not a physician or a technician in public health. As a member of the Congress of the United States, I have, however, had a long-standing interest in health matters; and, as Dr. Burney has pointed out, a considerable involvement with them. This interest has, over the years, involved world as well as national health; and I have been honored and pleases in having served with three delegations to these world assemblies of physicians, scientists, public health specialists, and others involved in the struggle for world betterment through better health. It is perhaps because of this special interest that he words of President Kennedy in his inaugural address struck home to me with particular force when he pledged his Administration "to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors." The contributions which my government is making today in invoking the wonders of medical science abroad are substantial. For this year of 1961, the Congress has appropriated approximately $119.8 million for medical purposes abroad. In addition about $33.2 million in foreign currency generated by our foreign aid programs are being spent on health programs abroad. Through the World Health Organization, the International Cooperation Administration, the United Nations Relief and Word Agency's program for Palestine Refugees, UNICEF, the Pan American Health Organization and other means, these funds are making themselves felt in the only terms that count in health work -- bringing life ot our fellow men and to the relief of human suffering. This is the present -- and it is not enough in the sense that nothing is really enough as long as preventable disease exists anywhere. We can do more. We should do more. I am not satisfied personally with the progress that is being made. I believe more should be done and I shall exercise every means to see that it is done. The long hope of mankind in the war against disease lies ultimately with medical research. Toward this end the United States has become increasingly interested in extending support of research -- both at home and abroad. For the solution of the problems of cancer, heart disease, mental illness and other great scourges does not lie in any one country but in the imagination and the genius of scientists in every land. Already there is substantial work in progress. Support by the United States for medical investigators -- for research -- in 1960 amounted to over $34 million. Under the fellowship program sponsored by my government young medical scientists from 34 countries are studying in our universities and research institutions with several hundred of our own scientists studying in 40 other countries. In the Congressional appropriation act of 1961 to the United States Public Health Service, a further extension of overseas research activity is envisioned. A sum of $5 million was designated