HONORARY CHAIRMAN HONORABLE ELLIOT L. RICHARDSON CHAIRMAN MICHAEL E. DEBAKEY, M.D VICE CHAIRMEN THEODORE COOPER, M.D. JAMES HUNT, M.D. MARVIN MOSER, M_D. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MIKE GORMAN DIRECTOR, LEGISLATIVE ACTION NETWORK GERALD J. WILSON SPONSORS RALPH ABERNATHY MICHAEL ALDERMAN, M.D. NICHOLAS G. ALEXIOU, M.D. CHARLES L BERMAN, DDS. HENRY BETTS, M.D. MRS. WILLIAM MCC. BLAIR, JR. LESTER BRESLOW, M.D, M.P.H. FREDERICK BRISSON BERTRAM S. BROWN, MD. FREEMAN H. CARY, M.D. ELIOT CORDAY, MD. PAULB CORNELY, MD. HARRIET P. DUSTAN, MD KARL ENGELMAN, M.D JONATHAN E FIELDING, M.D, MPH FRANK A. FINNERTY, JR. MD EMERSON FOOTE MRS. A. GRANT FORDYCE DOUGLAS FRASER EDWARD D. FREIS, M.D SOLOMON GARB, M.D. HONORABLE JOHN W. GARDNER RAY W. GIFFORD, JR, M.D. LEONARD H. GOLDENSON MAX GUTENSOHN, DO. MARTHA N. HILL, RN, MSN JOHN LS. HOLLOMAN, JR. JOHN HORAN RICHARD E. HURLEY, M.D. HAROLD D. ITSKOVITZ, M.D. JOHN H. JOHNSON MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON VERNON E. JORDAN. JR NORMAN KAPLAN, M.D. IQBAL KRISHAN, MD. ANN LANDERS MRS. ALBERT D. LASKER T. VINCENT LEARSON ROBERT L LEVY, MD ELLIN LIEBERMAN, M.D. MARY © MCLAUGHLIN, M.D. M.P.H WALTER ]. MCNERNEY STANLEY F. MALAMED, D.DS EG. MARSHALL MORTON H. MAXWELL, M.D. JEAN MAYER, PH.D. HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, ESQ. JOHN H. MOYER, ill, M.D, D.Sc LINUS PAULING, PH.D HONORABLE PAUL G. ROGERS ISADORE ROSENFELD, M.D. RICHARD S. ROSS, M.D. HOWARD RUSK, MD. ARTHUR SACKLER, M.D. W. MCFATE SMITH, M.D. JEREMIAH STAMLER, M.D. FRANK STANTON JESSE L. STEINFELD, M.D. LEON J. WARSHAW, M.D. WILLIAM H. WHITE JOSEPH WILBER, M.D. EDWARD BENNETT WILLIAMS, ESQ LEONARD WOODCOCK IRVING 8. WRIGHT, M.D. LESTER WUNDERMAN ERNST L. WYNDER, M.D. PAUL. YU, MD. Goatribunons Are Tax Deducuble CITIZENS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, INC. Executive Office: 1101 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Suite 608, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 296-4435 Legislative Action Network: 1140 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 606, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 466-4553 December 30, 1987 Ray W. Gifford, Ja., M.D. Vice Chairman Division of Medicine Cleveland CLinic Foundation 9500 Euckid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Dear Ray: The enclosed Memorandum is self-explanatory. However, on a personal note, I want to thank you for al that you have done over the years to further the objectives of Citizens for the Treatment of High Blood Pressure. You ane one of the guys on the Coordinating Committee T wikl really miss. Ad I wrote you several years back, I will always be grateful for the "education" I received from you in the field of hypertension. I am abso grateful for that Lovely dinner party you hosted at the Last National Hypertension Conference in Vegas. Panenthetically, since you and Don Vidt seem to be taking cane of all the Arabian kings, princes and hookers, I wonder 44 you would mine taking on a very dear friend of mine -- the Ayatollah Khoement. IT wilh miss seeing you and I hope our paths will cross ain the near future. In the meantime, I wish for youa most successful New Year, with the significant hope that you can biberalize the American Medical Association. 1% you can do that, you can wakk on water. Cordially, CU Mike Gorman Executive Director Enclosure MG: par For The Prevention of Heart Disease, Stroke and Kidney Failure